

  • 学校介绍
安庆市外国语培训中心是经省教育厅批准,具有独立办学资质的集小学、中学为一体的特色民办培训中心。培训中心依托安庆四中的优质教育资源,引进北京弘成教育科技有限公司的雄厚资金并享有其广泛的国际交流平台,吸收百年之精华,兼容东西文化之精粹,“重基础,强外语”,以鲜明的特色教育促进学生的发展。   培训中心现有校园面积250亩,校舍建筑总面积10万平方米,分东、西两个校区,总规模将达到103个教学班,培训中心师生总数将超过5000人。   培训中心拥有一支高素质教师队伍,高级职称教师占教职工总数的30%,、省、市先进教师30余人,黄文莉校长为省十一届人大代表、“安庆市有突出贡献的中青年”,此外还有一大批勤恳敬业的教师。办学过程中,培训中心敢于创新管理机制,实行刚性的制度管理与柔性的人文管理相结合,“刷卡坐班”、“一课一备”、“多元考评”等一整套新型科学的管理制度,充分调动了全体教职工的积极性和创造性,使培训中心沿着快乐健康、严谨规范、积极向上的态势不断发展。   培训中心实行中班教学,彰显的教育,促使学生成长为“发展,外语见长,素质高、能力强”的未来人;培训中心具有优美的教学环境和先进的教学条件,“数字化校园”、多媒体教室、实验室及塑胶跑道等先进的教学设施为学生的发展提供了优质教育平台;培训中心开设《英语阅读》、《英语听力》特色课程及《国学读本》校本课程,还利用下午课外活动时间开设了十几个兴趣活动班,让学生自信、快乐和健康地成长;培训中心聘请外籍教师开设小班口语教学,为学生学习英语营造浓郁氛围;心理健康教育课让学生学会如何做人,如何做事,如何健康快乐生活。   自办学以来,教育教学和素质教育成果丰硕,历届中考平均成绩、率均稳居全市。学生多次在全市性演讲比赛、航模比赛、科技创新比赛、征文比赛上荣获团体,教师在市级教学基本功大赛中。培训中心重视教学研究工作,先后有4项省市课题开题,2007年10月,我校英语组开展的省级课题《中学英语有效课堂教学的组织与实施》顺利结题,并在全市推广,获得好评。培训中心的办学得到了社会、家长、学生的一致认可和广泛赞誉,先后被评为全国民办教育先进单位、安徽省民办教育先进单位、安庆市民办培训中心。   优质的教育教学和良好的育人氛围赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉,秉承卓越,不懈奋进的安外人将不断探索,以“示素质教育之范,创品牌教育之优,领民办教育之先”为目标,为每一个家庭培植希望,为每一个学生创造未来,走好特色办学之路,为广培训中心生、家长提供更加优质的教育资源,向全国民办培训中心的行列昂迈进!   Anqing Foreign Language School (AFLS) is a new private school with independent qualifications for administration. Anqing Municipal Education Bureau approved it, with excellent educational resources donated from Anqing No. 4 Middle School. AFLS has also received extensive funds and a top-of-the-line international communication system from Beijing Hongcheng Science, Technology and Education LTD.   Currently under the leadership of the Anqing Municipal Committee, the Anqing City Government, the Education Bureau, and all social spheres concerned with education. AFLS has been built as a modern, excellent and ideal school through the joint efforts of teachers and students.   The school carries out the philosophy of making every student grow happily by blending the best of Eastern and Western teaching methods and by absorbing the quintessence of Anqing No.4 Middle School, which has a hundred years of teaching experience. AFLS lays a strong foundation with an emphasis in prominent English speaking by relying on remarkable educational methods to promote students’ highest possible development.   AFLS includes eastern and western parts, has an area of more than 250 mu. The teaching and living buildings totally occupy 100000 square meters. The scale will increase to 103 classes, over 5000 students and teaching staff .   AFLS has a highly qualified teaching staff that is adapted to modern education. Among the current staff 30% of the teachers hold senior rank and over 30 teachers were conferred as state or province advanced teachers. President Huang wenli was voted as a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC), she was elected as the teaching expert with excellent contribution in Anqing. In Addition, it has many province or municipal teacher novas, along with teachers who are leaders in their subjects.   AFLS also has other teachers that are sedulous and conscientious.   The school has the courage to create a new administrative system that skillfully combines the advantages of a rigid disciplinary system with the flexibility to make judgments on a case-by-case basis. The staff sign in on time everyday, and the teachers work during their office time so that they are prepared for each lesson before class begins. Their qualities are checked and evaluated in many ways. This new management system arouses all the staff’s enthusiasm and creativity, making the education process develop ceaselessly along a happy, healthy and positive trend.   The school offers middle-sized class education for personalization, compelling children to become outstanding students who are well rounded, proficient in English, and who possess high qualities and strong capabilities. The school has an excellent teaching atmosphere and great working conditions.   The advanced teaching equipment provides a first-rate educational program for students. The school has a digital campus, multimedia rooms, modern laboratories, safe plastic playground equipment, etc. AFLS has created distinguished courses in English reading comprehension, English listening comprehension, and lessons in traditional culture (which is the essence of Chinese.) In addition to traditional lessons, the school also has outstanding extracurricular activities and has opened more than ten interest-oriented groups to allow students to grow up healthy, happily, and confidently. AFLS invites foreign teachers, whose native language is English, to teach spoken English in small-sized classes to offer a dense English atmosphere.   Students learn how to be a good person, skills they will need in school and in life, and how to live a happy and healthy life through the Mentality Instruction Course. Since the establishment of AFLS, the school has gotten great achievements in teaching and quality-oriented education. the pass-rate, the excellent-rate and the average marks of the graduates won the first among the whole city. The students won the first prize of team performances in many areas, such as speech competition, aviation and navigation model competition, science and technology creation competition, etc. The teachers also have done well in many kinds of teaching competitions.Our school is attaching importance to the researches of teaching. at present, four provincial or municipal projects have been explored. In October 2007, the project conversation management Effective Teaching Management of Junior High School English was finished by English team successfully and gains highly speaking and recognition.   As its introduction, it has won high praises from all social spheres based on its high quality education and superior nurturing atmosphere. Having inherited the excellence, every member of AFLS will continue the discovery with their tireless endeavor. Aimed at being an example of quality education, producing the first class brand of education and becoming a leader of private education, AFLS will practice the idea that growing hope for every family and creating bright future for every student, and it will insist on the characteristic education. We will provide more qualitative educational resources to the students and their parents and become one of the first-class private schools nationwide.



