朗阁讲师/阅读,毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学第二语言教育专业,教育学硕士。教授雅思课程以来深受学员喜爱。善于鼓励与激发学员的学习兴趣与热情,善于调动课堂气氛。雅思授课注重引导学员,条理清晰,逻辑总结性强,由浅入深,易于学生接受,注重联系实际。 “轻松雅思,快乐雅思!” Kiko, senior teacher at Longre (Shenyang) Training Center, obtained her master degree of education from Monash University, majoring in TESOL international. She is experienced in inspiring students and stimulating students’ learning interests and enthusiasm as well as creating a relaxing learning atmosphere. She lays great emphasis on the logics and comprehensibility of her lessons so that they are easy to be accepted by the students.