特色优势: |
随到随学,包学会, 可用阿拉伯语及各种外语教外国人学中文 The course can be taught by different languages as required .e.g. Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or any other language in the world. |
课程安排: |
愿达对外汉语针对来华学习、工作和旅游的外国人,由日常生活,旅游,及商务活动方面的对话构成, 为外籍人士提供各种不同的汉语课程。课程运用情景对话、个人演讲、小组讨论、短剧表演、辩论、翻译、影视赏析等不同手段, 在短时间内固化所学内容,最终实现交际能力的提高。 our Chinese studying program uses a municative approach and places emphasis on learning munication skills. 188 key sentences make up the main structure of the crouse, around which situational dialogues are introduced, covering the most useful situations in real life. Language Points are explained in simple English and set out in a logical step-by-step order that is easy to understand. This is designed to give students the opportunity to gain confidence in using the most mon vocabulary and grammar relevant to everyday situations. Each lesson consists of about 7 to 8 sentences, and about 25 new words and s. The whole crouse introduces around 550 of the most frequently used words in daily life. There are altogether 25 main lessons and 5 summary lessons. It takes about 2 hours to cover each lesson, 60 to 70 hours for the whole crouse. Relevant cultural insights are given within each summary lesson. |
班级人数: | 7-8人左右 |
总学时: | 90课时 2-2.5个月一学期学会,2年内包学会 |
教材资料: | 汉语快行线-说汉语:Chinese Express-Talk Chinese |
授课老师: | 所有中教老师均有留学工作经验或5年以上汉语教学经验,部分老师长期在外企驻华公司担任翻译或在附近培训中心担任汉语教授 |
培训目标: | 对外汉语让汉语初学者在短时间内熟练掌握汉语发音的基本知识和基本技能,形成基本语感,熟悉标准发音,拥有简单听力,掌握近两百个口语常用句型,近千个日常会话词汇,能够用汉语进行较流利的交流。在提高语言质量和综合素质的同时,了解中国的历史、文化、社会习俗以及当代社会生活. |
未达目标: | 包学会,如掌握的不好可以申请在下一次开班时复读一次 |
适用学员: | 适合无任何基础的外国人, Chinese beginners, anyone ing from overseas for working, studying, or traveling |
课程简介: |
对外汉语主线包括 Lesson1Greetings&FarewellsLesson2Names&Titles Lesson3Nationalities&Languages Lesson4Days&Dates Lesson5Time&DailyRoutine Lesson6SummaryforLessons1-5 Lesson7Addresses&TelephoneNumbers Lesson8Family&FamilyMembers Lesson9Work&Professions Lesson10Interests&Abilities Lesson11Invitations&Appointments Lesson12SummaryforLessons7-11 Lesson13Telephoning&Messages Lesson14Money&Currency Lesson15Shops&Shopping Lesson16Colours&Clothing Lesson17Size&Style Lesson18SummaryforLessons13-17 Lesson19Food&Restaurants Lesson20Cafes,Pubs&Drinks Lesson21Hotels&Services Lesson22Travel&Transport Lesson2laces&Directions Lesson24SummaryforLessons19-23 Lesson25TheWeather Lesson26Activities&Progression Lesson27Intentions&Plans Lesson28Health&Body Lesson29pliments&Well-wishing Lesson30SummaryforLessons25-29 IndexⅠListeningScript IndexⅡKeytotheExercises IndexⅢVocabularyList |
以上就是对外汉语培训课程的全部内容介绍,如需了解更多的对外汉语培训班、课程、价格、试听等信息,也可以点击进入 对外汉语 相关频道,定制专属课程,开始您的学习之旅。