  • 学校介绍
海南政法职业培训中心是经批准的海南省一所专业设置涵盖司法等法律类专业的公办高等职业培训中心。2009年初,培训中心作为海南一所职业院校试点单位,顺利通过人才培养水平评估,一年后,又顺利通过回访。培训中心的毕业生就业质量和就业率逐年上升,2007年至2011年连续四年被评为“海南省高等培训中心毕业生就业工作单位”;同年,培训中心被中央政法委列为政法干警招录培养体制改革试点单位,成为全国综合培养、司法人才试点招生高职院校。 培训中心位于海南省海口市新大洲大道,校园占地218亩,现有在校学生4300名。设有应用法律系、政法管理系、司法系、信息技术系和公共、社科部等六个教学系部,现有法律事务、法律文秘、行政执行、书记官、司法会计、司法警务、刑事执行、交通管理、治安管理、安全防范技术、信息安全技术、计算机通信等18个招生专业(含专业方向)。培训中心设施完善,建有、第二教学大楼、实习实训大楼、图书馆大楼、培训中心大楼、学生公寓楼;校内实习实训场所条件完备,成立司法鉴定中心、律师事务所、驾驶员培训中心等,并建有警体训练中心、搏击训练场、人民调解实训室、模拟法庭、速录室、司法会计实训室、安全防范实训室等;并在、检察院、局、派出所、律师事务所、监狱、劳教所等单位建立了60个校外实习实训基地。 作为海南一所法律类高等职业院校,培训中心坚持以就业为导向,以服务为宗旨,立足政法,面向社会,依托行业,以培养学生职业技能和实践能力为核心,加强专业建设,深化课程改革,走产学合作办学道路,有效促进学生德智体发展。多年来,培训中心为、监狱、交警、律师事务所等涉法基层单位,源源不断地输送着各类合格的高等法律职业人才。 培训中心拥有一支素质良好的专教师队伍,其中副高以上职称40余人,“双师”素质教师90余人,并从全省政法系统和相关行业聘请了150多名行业业务骨干担任教师。教学、科研实力雄厚。近年来,在省委和省委政法委的正确领导下,各项事业取得长足发展,教育教学改革日益深入。治安管理、书记官等两个专业被评为海南省特色专业,《安全防范技术》、《计算机组成与嵌入系统》、《民法学》、《基层法律文书写作》、《书记官速录技能》、《司法会计检查实务》等课程被评为省级和部级精品课程,书记官专业的《书记官速录技能》课程被评为级精品课程(2009年)。我院还获得省级示范实验室两个,省级实验室一个,此外还获得省级教学团队二个,国务院特殊津贴1名,515人才工程第二层人才两名,3名教师被评为省级教学,培训中心教师主持或参与和省部级科研课题20余项,已获得省部级科研奖励20余项、省级教学团队多项成果。 我院坚持德育为先,技能本位,培养具有可持续发展能力的高素质法律职业人才。以警务化管理作为学生德育教育的有效载体,按照警务化模式对学生进行管理、教育、训练,培养学生良好的职业素质和自理、自律、自治能力,进一步实施和改进养成教育。按照部颁发的民警体能达标要求,配备军事教官、专职教师对学生进行警体技能训练与体能锻炼。我院学生在国际国内各类教学、竞技和文体比赛中取得优异成绩,在省内职业院校中。2010年我院就业率92.8%,业内就业率73.6%。 培训中心注重学生个性发展,重视校园文化建设,重视做好学生的奖励与资助工作。“”、“博士”、“读书节”、“法律文化节”使学生开阔视野,增长才智。奖学金、励志奖学金、海南省奖学金、培训中心奖学金、方冰奖学金、浙江商会奖学金等,奖励品学兼优的学生;培训中心勤工助学基金、京润助学金、浙江商会·佳元助学金等多项奖助学金,资助家庭经济困难的学生。目前,培训中心奖助学金发放比例占学生人数的57%。 培训中心坚持服务社会、服务基层的办学方针,学历教育与培训教育两翼并重。经过多年努力,已经成为全省政法干部培训基地、司法考试海南基地、全国计算机考点、速录师职业资格技能鉴定工作站;拥有全省鉴定门类全的司法鉴定中心,2009年培训中心公平司法鉴定中心被司法部授予全国司法鉴定先进集体称号。培训中心为区域经济社会发展和法制建设做出了显著的贡献。 继通过评估回访之后,在海南建设国际旅游岛上升为战略、“十二五”发展规划启动之际,培训中心确定以示范性高职院校内涵指标为建设标准,用五年左右时间,建设特色鲜明、行业先进、区域的政法类高职院校。 我们热忱欢迎有志从事政法工作,为我国社会主义建设保驾护航的莘莘学子报考我院。 College Overview Hainan Vocational College of Political Science and Law is a public higher professional institution approved by the state. It is the only legal specialty-based professional college comprising of other types of multi-disciplinary specialties in Hainan Province. Early in 2009, as the only one to bear the assessment mission of pilot program by the Ministry of Education which evaluates the personnel quality of professional colleges, it took the lead in through the evaluation and passed the reexamination by the experts one year later. Both the quality and rate of the graduates’ employment have shown a steady increase in recent years. For that, it was awarded Hainan Higher Educational Institution Advanced Unit in Graduates Employment in 2009. At the same time, the college was listed by the Central Political and Judicial Committee of China as one of the training units for educating political and judicial officers and it becomes the only higher professional college which comprehensively trains police and judicial personnel in the country. The college, located on the New Continent Avenue Haikou City Hainan Province, occupies an area of 218 mu (14.5 thousand square meters) with 4016 students enrolled at present. It sets up six teaching departments, that is, Department of Law Application, Department of Political and Judicial Management, Department of Public Security, Department of Information & Technology, Department of Common Pedagogy and Department of Social Science. At present the college offers 18 majors (including the orientations), such as Legal Affairs, People’s Mediator, Legal Secretary, Administrative Execution, Court Clerk, Judicial Accounting, Judicial Police, Criminal Execution, Traffic Management, Public Order Management, Judicial Information Technology, Network Information Security & Precautionary Technology, etc. It enjoys well-developed facilities, including two teaching buildings, a building for practice, a library building, a training center and several students’ dormitory buildings. It has not only offered well-equipped computer labs, language labs, multi-media classrooms, police gymnasium, wrestling ground, moot court, pre-trial rooms, counsel rooms, and obstacle courses in the college, but also worked hand in hand with courts, procuratorates, police offices, lawyer firms, and reeducation-through-labor camps in establishing 34 practical training centers outside the college. As the only legal specialty-based public higher professional college in Hainan Province, our guidance is to raise graduates’ employment and our purpose is to serve society. We base on governmental and judicial departments, and rely on the basic industries to cultivate students' professional skills and practical ability as the centre of our education. To strengthen the construction of profession and to deepen the reformation of curriculum are both our aims. We always persist in the learning-production combination and the school-enterprise cooperation. We train the high quality applied and skilled talents for the basic governmental and judicial units and auxiliary posts of other law-related departments. College graduates are working in police stations, prisons, traffic police stations, law firms, government office and so on. The college has an outstanding teaching team made up of full-time and part-time teachers, of whom over 30 are professors and associate professors, and more than 80 are double-quality teachers (theory and practice integrated teachers). Over 150 part-time teachers are from Hainan Political and Legal System and concerning industries. The team of teaching and researching has been expanding steadily. In recent years, under the deep concern of Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPC and Hainan Provincial People's Government, and the leadership of Political and Judicial Committee of Hainan Province, the college has made considerable progress in all aspects. It has made great achivements in educational reformation, for example, Network Information Security & Precautionary Technology, Computer Organization & Embedded System, Civil Law, Basic Legal Document Writing and Court Clerk Steno Skill are desinated as Provincial-level Distinguished Course. Moreover, Court Clerk Steno Skill was chosen as State-level Distinguished Course, the only one to win this honor in Hainan Province in 2009. The college has established two provincial demonstration laboratories and one outstanding provincial laboratory. There is one teaching team awarded the title of Provincial-level Excellent Teaching Team and two teachers selected as the secondary selection of “515” talents project in Hainan Province, and several teachers granted the title of “Provincial-level Excellent Teacher”.Teachers have hosted or participated in many national and provincial scientific research projects, some of which have gained several provincial prizes of scientific research and advanced teaching group. “The foundation of education is students; moral education is priority” we advocate, and also to foster students’ legal professional quality is essential. Based on police pattern, we carry out management, education, training towards students, and cultivate students' professional qualities, strict discipline concept, rigorous life style, and self-directed abilities. According to the police physical standards issued by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, we provide military instructors and full-time teachers for students’ physical exercise and police skills training. Our students have gained distinguished achievements in various domestic and international competitions, preceding others from the provincial vocational colleges. The college attaches great importance to student’s personality development, campus culture construction and student’s rewards and finance assistance. Master Forum, Doctor Forum, Reading Festival and Law-culture Festival help students to broaden their vision and sharpen their wits. National Scholarship, National Encouragement Scholarship, Hainan Provincial Scholarship, Fangbing Scholarship, Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, the college scholarship, etc. reward those students excellent in both character and learning. Meanwhile, the college provide finance aid to needy students through College Work-study Fund, Jingrun Grant-in-aid, Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce & Jiayuan Grant, and so on. Currently, students receiving rewards and financial aid have accounted for 57 percent of the total. With the school-running policy of focusing both on degree education and training education, the college, after several years of efforts, has become a training base for Hainan’s governmental and judicial cadres, a base of National Judicial Examination in Hainan Province, a test center for National Computer Rank Examination, a National Vocational Qualification Skill Verification Workstation for Stenographers, and it has a Judicial Authentication Center providing the most comprehensive kinds of authentication services in Hainan. In 2010, the Judicial Authentication Center was awarded the title of "Advanced Group of National Judicial Authentication" by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. The college has been mading significant contributions for regional economic and social development and legal system. Following the return visit after the expert assessment by the Ministry of Education, early in 2010, construction of international tourism destination in Hainan Island has ascended to the occasion of the national strategic policy, the college Communist Party Committee propose to construct the National Model of Professional College by using two or three years. The staff are concerting and striding toward a national demonstration professional college! We welcome those outstanding students to apply for our college if they are interested in the political and judicial work and intend to defend the socialist construction of our country.

