金华英孚少儿英语中心Benjamin Archer

Benjamin Archer

教龄: 保密
Hello! I am from a relatively small town in England, called Manchester. I graduated from the University of Central Lancashire, and took my Teaching English as a Foreign Language course shortly after. I have always been desirous about teaching; and after visiting Wuhan and falling in love with the lifestyle and atmosphere I decided to come and teach at English First. I chose EF because of the high level of professionalism and the quality of teaching they offer, also the help and support they provide to the students, parents and the teachers made EF my number one choice when deciding which school to come to. In my spare time I enjoy reading and model-making.
大家好,我来自英国一个很小的叫曼侧斯特的地方。我毕业于英国知名的百年中央兰开夏大学,接着我辅修了教授ESL英语的课程。我对于教学一直都充满了渴望并且在来到武汉后爱上了这座城市的生活方式和氛围,所以我决定要到这里的EF当一名英语老师。我选择EF的原因是因为它所提供的英语教学是高专业度和高质量的。这同时样也是学生和家长在选择英语学校的时候 选EF的原因。在我的空余时间我喜欢阅读和制作模型。


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