慈溪英孚英语培训学校Connor Rague

Connor Rague

教龄: 保密
Hello friends!My name is Connor Rague . I am from the United States. I am an avid outdoorsman, I enjoy fishing, hiking , and swimming. I also play basketball, golf, baseball, tennis, table tennis, surfing, and volleyball… I enjoy spending time with family and friends when not at work. I have always enjoyed working with kids and helping the community whenever I can. China is the first country that I have visited outside of my own and it has exceeded all my expectations! I am looking forward to working with the children of China and helping them reach their goals… And have lots of fun!!!
大家好,我是Conner, 来自美国。我非常喜爱户外运动,我喜欢钓鱼,徒步和游泳,还有篮球,高尔夫,棒球,网球,桌球,冲浪和排球。工作之外,我常常和家人和朋友共度美好时光。我非常喜爱孩子,会尽我所能帮助他们成长。中国是我第 一个走出国门工作的,中国给我带来了超乎预期的惊喜。我非常期待能和孩子们一起学习,并帮助他们实现目标和快乐成长!


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