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[2013-12-12 15:36:30] 浏览量:487 来源:



摘要:Hello, guys. I’m Jade from Simple English. As English m […]

Hello, guys. I’m Jade from Simple English. As English major, I graduated with honors from Sichuan University in 2010 with a Master’s Degree. During the seven-year study, English is more than a language to me. It opens my mind to the outer world and helps me to know different countries and cultures, and experience verified ways of life. In fact, English is one of the most important language tools in the whole world. Once you handle it, you can know the world more easily. There is a saying: life is short, art is long. It requires great efforts to learn English well. But we will try our best to make it simple, funny and effective for you. It’s my honor to be with you and contribute to your progress.

大家好,我是来自森博英语的陈璞。我是一名英语专业的硕士研究生,2010年毕业于四川大学。在川大七年的学习生活中,英语早已成为我生命的一部 分。学习英语,开拓了我的眼界,让我可以领略不同的文化,感受别样的生活方式。英语是世界上重要的语言工具之一。掌握这门语言,你可以更好更容易的 了解这个世界。当然,要学好英语,也需要付出一定的努力和汗水。在森博,我们致力于让学习英语变成一件轻松有趣并的事情。很高兴,能够陪伴并见证您的 成长!




