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    发表于:2013-12-24 10:01:13  
相关标签: 英语培训   北京英语培训

前两期我们谈到了OG对于托福考生的重要指导意义,以及口语Task 1&2样题的解题思路的分析。按照顺序,本期我们将详细剖析第三版OG样卷上的Task 3。
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading time: 45 seconds
Bus Service Elimination Planned
The university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.
M: I don’t like the university’s plan.
W: Really? I’ve ridden those buses and sometimes there were only a few people on the bus. It did seem like kind of a waste.
M: I see your point, but I think the problem is the route’s out of the date. It only goes through the neighborhoods that have gotten too expensive for students to live in. It’s ridiculous that they haven’t already changed the route. You know, so it goes through where most off-campus students live now. I bet if they did that they get plenty of students riding those buses.
W: Well, at least they are adding more parking. It’s got really tough to find a space.
M: That’s the other part I don’t like, actually. Cutting back the bus service and adding parking is just going to encourage more students to drive on campus. And that’ll add to the noise around campus and create more traffic. And that’ll increase the need for more parking spaces.
W: Yeah, I guess I can see your point. Maybe it would be better if more students use buses instead of driving.
M: Right! And the university should make it easier to do that, not harder.
The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
解析:阅读与对话综合技能题是托福口语比较好拿分的项目,原因是无论阅读文章还是听力部分都围绕campus life进行,没有生词是肯定的。在阅读文章时,考生需要明确的是,本版块的阅读文章是作为听力对话的背景存在,所以,不需要进行密集型笔记。我们需要记下的只有学校即将产生的变化是什么,以及为了说服多数学生接受这种变化,学校找的借口是什么。听力部分的对话才是笔记重点,考生需要标明的信息有:谁是主讲?他/她持正向还是反向观点?针对通知,该学生给出的两条支持或反对的原因是什么。
What the man is saying here is that, um, he wants to keep the bus service for the better being of all the students in the campus, because there’re certain students who cannot afford a car. Therefore, they use the free bus service, even though it’s not that much. The problem with the bus service right now is that the bus is going through wrong neighborhoods or it’s too expansive for students to live. So what they should do is just change the course of the bus and that’ll take care of the problem. Also, they should encourage the students to use the bus instead of discourage them or what we read in the case, they use the money of the bus service increase the space of the parking lot for students, which would add to the noise around campus and be more congested for all the people who already parking over there.
评析:该考生抓住了第三部分所有信息点,并在词汇上进行了转化升级再转述,比如听力原文里的create more traffic被该考生换成了be more congested这种转换表达的方式,是托福评分官欢迎的。整个陈述过程流畅且有条理,连接词和过渡性词汇明显。语音语调非常。所以,此版被OG选为第三部分的范本。


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