Haohaoxue (Aoji) is one of the only schools that can provide examiners for IELTS VIP classes. Students can have their skills assessed and receive expert advice on how to improve their English level.
To get a good band score in the IELTS Test candidates must focus heavily on their writing and speaking skills. However, many candidates have attended IELTS schools where they have been taught to use memorized responses for both speaking and writing which will lead to low band scores. It is no secret that most if not all schools teaching IELTS advocate a method of memorization opting to shy away from the far superior approach of critical thinking.
Clearly, the capacity to think critically is vastly overlooked in all the schools that we have researched in our field. This is a technique that must be carried out in order to do well in the IELTS test. Unfortunately, most schools wrongly insist that memorizing responses to a list of specific questions gets results, which is one of the main reasons why candidates in the test tend to give almost identical answers and hence never really stand out.
很显然,如何教会学生用批判的眼光去思考问题对于雅思考试将具有非常重要的意义,我们在这里做过大量的研究。这项研究的成果将会被立即应用到我 们的教学当中去,用以帮助学生提高在雅思考试中的表现。不幸的是,大多数的学校继续坚持了他们的做法,通过训练学生记忆固定的以及回答套路或者模式来 应对考试,他们甚至有准备和总结一些考试的话题和考试经验的资料让学生背过记住。这将毫无疑问的成为雅思的直接杀手。已经有很多鲜活的事例摆在眼 前,即使是通过这种方式的训练和做了充足的准备,考生的表现也不突出甚至是不让人满意。
This is also a very restrictive method of learning for this type of test. Most people are unaware that the purpose of the IELTS exam is diametrically opposed to the High School Examinations or University Examinations held in China. The real aim of the IELTS examination is to carefully assess a candidate’s ability to think about concepts (sometimes simple, yet often complex) and to deliver responses that are natural but definitely not mechanical, which sadly all memorized answers appear to be. Examiners are experts in determining a candidate’s real English level.
事实上,学习像雅思这种考试的方法并没有那么多,这些方法甚至更简单和直接。很多考生意识不到,雅思考试与以往中国的学生所经历和面临的高考和 大学英语的考试截然不同。对于雅思考试来说,有帮助的方法莫过于正确和谨慎的看待考试本身对于考生所提出的能力方面的切实要求。好好思考一下雅思考试对 于考生的语言能力要求,它们通常显得简单,但仔细去分析这些要求也是复杂的。一定要回归语言能力的本身,在考试中自然的运用语言去表达自己的想法而绝不 是死记硬背。雅思考官是经受过严格训练的,足以轻松鉴别考生的真实水平。
This prized technique is a key element of what our VIP classes test students to be ready for, while our competitors prepare their students, most likely unwittingly, to fall right into the hands of a skilled examiner who detects their inability to think on the spot and hence this misinformed, unprepared individual winds up back where he or she started.
在我们的VIP课程中,对于学生的训练会拣选雅思考试评判当中的关键点和要求来切实提高学生英语能力,这将有助于他们节省时间,在准备考试的过 程中有的放矢,找准自己的薄弱进行训练。这也使我们在众多的培训机构中脱颖而出。毫无疑问,在一个经验丰富的考官面前,那些采用以往模式死记硬背的考生将 会更容易失分,而我们的学生可以做到在这些其他机构学生拿不到分数的地方取得决定性突破和进展,以使他们在雅思考试中表现得更自信更突出。
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