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    发表于:2014-02-27 13:53:38  
相关标签: 雅思培训   北京雅思培训

Question: In most countries, prison is an effective solution to the problem of crime. Some people think it is a more effective solution to provide education for those who violate the law. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1st argument:
The ultimate purpose of a prison system is to serve as a deterrent force against the potential wrongdoers by setting out a standard set of guidelines for the public to adhere to/comply with. Without the adequate legal system, there is a good chance that many who harbor ulterior motives may act beyond the moral and legal boundaries and thus hurt, either intentionally or unintentionally, those innocent victims. It is by no means an overstatement that the crime rate is negatively correlated with the strictness of the law enforcement. Therefore, to curb crime rate in the future, the prison still appears the ideal option of treating the criminals.
2nd argument:
Locking up prisoners behind the bars is also intended to restrict their freedom and minimize their contact with the public. If the criminals were allowed to continue to wander around in the city streets, more innocent people would be hurt and victimized. Thus, putting prisoners in jail can spare the public from the greater risks to which they would have otherwise been exposed.
3rd argument:
The majority of crimes can be attributed to the greed for financial power or the desire to elevate social status. It is understandable that those undereducated ones could hardly land a decent job amidst increasingly fierce competition and thus are forced to resort to illegal activities to scrape a basic living. Even if they are sent to prison to be rehabilitated, they are still confronted with the identical set of issues upon release. Worse yet, their criminal records, which would accompany them forever, would scare away many potential employers. Such strong sense of discrimination and social prejudice against ex-convicts might push them back to the life as criminals again.

  1. ultimate 最终的
  2. serve as a deterrent force against 作为一种很强的威慑力
  3. a set of guidelines 各种各样的规章制度
  4. adhere to/comply with 遵循,遵守
  5. there is a good chance that 很有可能会怎么样
  6. harbor ulterior motives 有不良动机的人
  7. beyond the moral and legal boundaries 超越了道德和法律的界限
  8. it is by no means an overstatement that 绝不是夸大其词
  9. curb 控制,减少
  10. behind the bars 关在了监狱里面
  11. wander around 游荡,闲逛
  12. spare the public from the risks 让大众免于遭受这样的危险和风险
  13. be attributed to可以归结于
  14. elevate social status 提高社会地位
  15. land a decent job 找到一份不错的工作
  16. scrape a living 勉强地维持生计
  17. rehabilitate 改造,改化
  18. worse yet 更加糟糕的是
  19. potential employers 潜在的雇主,公司
  20. ex-convicts 有前科记录的人


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