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    发表于:2014-04-17 14:00:52  
相关标签: 雅思培训   北京雅思培训

  首先,我想说明的是雅思口语Part2的话题总数可以达到70个左右,如果烤鸭们按照传统生硬的方式逐个准备每个话题,那难度系数是比较高的,而且会耗费烤鸭们很多时间。尤其是对于短时间内要马上开始考试的烤鸭们来说,将部分话题进行合理的加工和串讲是一个非常有效的方式。所以,针对雅思口语近热门的话题,比如说A neighbor、a friend you made at the first sight、a polite person、someone who helped you,我们完全可以把这几个看起来不同的话题围绕一个人物去展开,找到主体思路,根据几个话题的异处做出合理调整即可。在这里,我想针对someone who helped you为基础来展开,希望给众多在雅思考试中求分手的烤鸭们带来帮助和启发。
  根据雅思口语Part2考试的要求,不管要如何展开,前提是要对于cue card上的四个问题要做到了解,接下来让我们熟悉卡片上的要求:
  Describe someone who helped you.
  You should say:
  Who it was
  What this person did
  How this person helped
  Explain how you felt after this person helped you
  表面上看这几个问题都相对简单,我们只需要对应一个故事(即这个人怎么帮你)就可以解决这个话题。不过不要忘记,我之前一直在强调的话题串讲的重要性,我们这里可以把这个人变成Your neighbor,在一次巧合中,她/他帮助了你,那neighbor怎么帮助我们呢?这一点可以是智者见智,仁者见仁了。接下来,笔者还是会按照我实际教学的理念给大家展开这个话题的描述。
  Speaking of someone that helped me once, I’d like to describe my neighbor who shines as a beautiful person and has exerted a great influence on me.
  Refreshing my memory, I got to know her one day when I left my key at home while my parents happened to be at work. It was a little bit chilly and getting late. Unwilling to wait helplessly at the door, I made up my mind to knock doors and take a chance on being adopted for a while. I did not expect it could really happen. But surprisingly, this young lady opened her door and friendly invited me to get inside. Snacks and a cup of hot tea were offered by her who wore a big smile that could light up the whole town. In order to make me feel less anxious, she asked me my parents’ number and told them exactly where I was. Her kindness and consideration made me feel home. The small talk we made at the beginning turned into a long and merry conversation before my parents finally showed up at her place.
  To be honest, before getting helped by my neighbor who also has become my close friend since after, I was quite upset with my neighborhood as the sense of strangeness almost replaced our old tradition. Most of us shut our doors and our hearts both against others. But my personal experience convinces me that when we get out of our way to help others in need, life will return the favor back to you someday.


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