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[2014-05-29 17:41:44] 浏览量:302 来源:




Hi Roland,


What's up? Well I am writing this * course I want you to know that you were one of the persons that made this summer camp such a special thing for me.


I had a great time here and I don't want to go back home, in fact, I asked many people that if someone offered them to stay here another month, what would they say? And everybody (including me) has answered that they would take the offer and if they could, they'd be here even for a year.


I'll remember this summer forever, cause I met a lot of people, made many friends came from other countries and visited different places, really had a lot of fun and experienced new food and sports.


Thanks for making of our classes a pair of very amazing hours, for supporting me and of course, for being my friend.


I will miss everybody when I'm back to Mexico, but I'm sure I will miss you a lot cause you are very funny and you have a very nice personality. You are different from the others and that's what I like of you.


OK, I think it's time to go, but before I do that, I want to tell you that this camp, the friends I made, the people I met, the activities I did and the teachers I had obey are a part of my life now and I wouldn't change this time I spent here for anything in the world!


Take care, bye-bye



Silvia Dafne Vidol Mendoza


P.S. I hope we can keep in touch.J



Hello there,


Here is a letter from Diana and Marlene Kessler.

Thanks a lot for the photos you send us. They are great, and so many.

We didn't expect that.

When we looked at the photos we remembered Canada and the funny time we spent there.

Unfortunately we have to go to school.

However, in some boring lessons we start dreaming about the time in Calgary Canada.

The lessons with you were much funnier. Of course there were also a lot of activities and a big choice. Everybody had fun. At home we can't do so many things.

Moreover we miss all the people we met there. It was a great experience to meet so many people from other nationalities. We are still in contact to some of them by writing letters or E-mail but it isn't the same like talking to them.

We just want to thank you that made this wonderful holidays possible for us.


With best wishes from Germany,





Dear Michael and Roland,

I enjoyed this 3-week-camp very much! The best week was, of course, the camping week. Every day we did various kinds of activities, which I liked very much!

Well, I can't write every thing I liked, because it would take about 10 pages! Which activity did I like best? I enjoyed every single one, but the best one for me was kayaking with the great water-fight! Whatever, I enjoyed my time here and I'll miss all my new friends and all the teachers!


Thank you for this great time!



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