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[2014-06-19 11:40:29] 浏览量:892 来源:



无锡伦敦桥国际英语由伦敦East Finchley Language School的创办人之一Jan Harrison女士及家人创办,并在英国文化局注册在案。我们提供专业的雅思、剑桥商务英语证书、英国高中课程、IB课程、新托福等涉外学习与工作课程,并提供文本翻译、文章修改、学术论文修改、网站翻译、英文录音、对外邮件等涉及国际交流的高质量增值服务。我们推崇高强度的小班制授课方式,以大化学生与老师之间的互动交流。通过这种方式,老师能够更快的定位并反复巩固学生的薄弱环节,从而形成积极向上的教学模式。我们不仅注重在学术上帮助学员达到理想的目标,更重视给学员们带来学习的乐趣。我们和学员都可以证明,学习的乐趣对英语长期的提高有不可忽视的助力。
   我们的英语外教都来自英语的发源地 - 英国伦敦。他们能够教您如何使用英语标准音 -“伦敦中产阶级口音”。这种口音因其清晰的吐字发音、它的使用者“英国绅士淑女”而享誉全球。并且,我们的外教注重教授西方礼仪文化中与语言息息相关的精华部分,这使广大学员的语言与交际能力从“游客”成功变为“世界公民”。

     Jan was born and grew up in London. As well as having a successful career as a civil servant, Jan was the co-founder of North London’s East Finchley School of English, an English language school which has an established reputation for offering excellent teaching in a friendly and stimulating environment. With experience of teaching herself, Jan provides her students with the language skills they need to take the next step in their careers. Jan enjoys working closely with students and learning about them and their lives, which makes the learning process fun and interesting as well as constructive. Jan’s background in public service, education management, and teaching, result in a wealth of knowledge and advice which she can pass on to students in order to make their involvement with western countries and English-speaking people successful and productive, whilst also equipping them with the language skills they need.
        Chris was born in London in the UK. He graduated from the University of Southampton with First Class Honours and completed a Masters degree at Durham University. An interest in other cultures led Chris to come to China in 2011 and become an English teacher. Helping students achieve their goals is of central importance for Chris, and what he enjoys most about teaching. Seeing his students succeed is a great motivation, and having seen his former students go overseas for further study, or gain success at work, Chris is eager to help others achieve similar results. Chris also enjoys communicating with his students and learning about their lives and Chinese culture in general. Whilst focusing on helping students to reach their immediate goals, Chris also encourages them to use English to talk about themselves and their lives, and to express opinions on different topics in discussions. The ability to do this is vital to speaking English well, and is also vital to interacting naturally with native English speakers. This aspect of English learning is often lacking in the Chinese education system, which provides a solid foundation to be built on.



