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[2014-07-22 09:17:50] 浏览量:164 来源:




   BUSINESS English communication skills are among the most essential abilities for an employee in an international working environment and the Business English modules will assist in the development of Chinese nationals working in multinational companies.

   中级商务英语培训 (此课程分为两部分:写作和口语)

   Business Writing Modules 商务英语写作

  • Emails - Format & Style 电子邮件的格式和式样
  • Letters - Circulars 信件:通知
  • Letters - Collection of Payment 1 & 信件 :催款信
  • Letters - Complaints - Making 信件:投诉
  • Letters - Complaints - Responding 信件:回复投诉
  • Letters - Contracts信件:合同
  • Letters - Enquiries & Replies 1 - 4 信件:询盘和回盘
  • Letters - Format and Style 1 - 3 信件:格式和样式
  • Letters - Order Fulfillment 信件:违章罚款
  • Letters - Invitations & Replies 信件: 邀请函和回复
  • Letters - Invoices 信件:发票
  • Letters - Quotations 信件:报价
  • Letters - Sales & Marketing 信件:销售与市场营销
  • Presentations - Format & Style 演示:格式和式样
  • Memos - Format & Style 备忘录: 格式和式样
  • Reports - Agenda & Minutes 报告:议程安排和时间
  • Reports - Format & Style 报告: 格式和式样
  • Reports - Referencing 报告:参考
  • Writing - Translating Ideas to Writing 定作特训:将想法变为文字

   Business Oral Modules 商务英语口语培训

  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Business Ethics
  • Business Psychology
  • Business Socializing
  • Business Travel
  • Career Development
  • Chinglish
  • Company Strategy
  • Competition
  • Conferences
  • Cultural Differences 1 - 3
  • Customer Service
  • Entertaining
  • Hotel English
  • Hotels - Food & Beverage
  • Hotels - Front of House
  • Hotels - Management
  • Insurance
  • Logistics
  • Management 1 - 4
  • Market Research
  • Managing Innovation
  • Meetings
  • Modern Media
  • Motivation & Teambuilding
  • Negotiations 1 - 3
  • Networking
  • NGOs & Charities
  • Numbers & Money
  • Office Skills
  • Oil Industry
  • Organisations
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Politics
  • Presentations - Intensive 1 - 3
  • Presentations 1 - 5
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Problem Solving
  • Production
  • Purchasing
  • Project Management
  • Recruitment
  • Sales Technique
  • Sports & Leisure

  • 零基础
  • 基础单词
  • 英语三/四级
  • 托福/雅思
  • 英语口语提升
  • 英语等级考试
  • 专业英语等级
  • 托福/雅思出国
  • 商务英语
  • 周末班
  • 全日制白班
  • 随到随学


