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[2014-07-31 09:49:02] 浏览量:262 来源:


一. 2014年上半年雅思口语考情回顾
Part 1
纵观2014上半年雅思口语考题,第一部分的整体难度基本保持不变,以大家所熟悉的话题居多,比如家乡、学习或工作、休闲娱乐、住房、天气、公园、交流方式、网络、饮食、广告、节日、艺术、礼物。以下列出的三大题Hometown / Studies/ Accommodation仍然是大家准备的重点。
1. Where do you come from?
2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown?
3. Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school?
4. What do you think needs to changein your hometown?
5. What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time?
6. Do you work or are you a student?
7. What subject are you studying?
8. Why did you choose to study that subject?
9. Is that a popular subject in your country?
10. Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason?
11. Can you describe the place where you live?
12. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
13. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
14. Please describe the room you live in.
15. Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?
当然也出现了一些从未有过的新题。自5月份起,“地图”题的大热,需要引起大家的注意,比如Do you use maps?/ When do you use a map?/ Do you think map is important?/ Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
另外“集市”题的出现也让不少考生跌破眼镜,比如Do you like going shopping in street market?/ Are there any street markets near where you live?/ What do you think are the difference between a street market and a supermarket? 像这类题目建议考生提前做好准备,想好解题思路。
Part 2
物品类:自1月份起,物品类的高频考题如下:广告、国外电影、了闲置的东西、本国制造的东西、不喜欢的科目、建议、书、特殊场合穿过的衣服、有意思的电视节目、法律。值得一提的是,曾经的杀手级考题“Describe a good law in your country”自5月起又重出江湖,各位烤鸭请多多保重。
Part 3
1. Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?
2. What are the differences between modern weddings in China and traditional Chinese weddings?
3. Is there much difference between men and women when it comes to playing sport?
4. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by ship?
5. Do you think traveling by ship (or by boat) today is as importantas it used to be?
6. Do you think ocean cruises will become more popular in the future?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages between traditional houses and modern ones?
8. How elder people differ from teenagers about the house they would like to choose?

  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班



