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[2018-03-22 17:15:27] 浏览量:118 来源:


Extra-curricular Extras: Which pastimes look best on your profile?



“We want well-rounded students, not just students with strong test scores.”



This phrase or at least a close variation on it has been the staple of the interview process at most reputable universities and colleges across the English-speaking world for several years now.
But, what exactly does it mean?



Well, in short it means that just getting straight A grades on all your exams and coursework isn’t the “free pass” into an Ivy League school that it used to be. There was the well-documented case of such a “straight-As” student in Hong Kong a few years ago. He had recorded some of the highest scores ever in the HKDSE exams and then gone on to study in one of the city’s most prestigious university courses. However, upon graduation, he spent the next year or so attending literally hundreds of job interviews and failing every single one. His problem, as one rather less than diplomatic observer put it, was that he was “brain-bound”.



He has dedicated so long to studying and acquiring the very best academic test scores that he had completed neglected his need for personal, social development.



As a result, he had difficulty engaging in the most basic of “small talk” conversations with friends, colleagues and, at interviews, potential bosses and coworkers.



So today, when the top US and UK universities and other academic institutions say “We want well-rounded students.” This is exactly the kind of scenario they are trying to avoid.



Unfortunately, this creates something of a dilemma for today’s students. Even as recently as 20 years ago, when I was entering high school, I remember having it hammered into me from day one that the only way I was going to progress beyond the unemployable malaise, that had gripped much of my hometown of Glasgow at the time, was to get really good grades at school, so I could go on to university, something very few students from my school would typically achieve.



Now however, to coin an old Scottish phrase: “The goalposts have been shifted.” Today, students need more.



With this in mind, how can students demonstrate to those conducting the entrance interviews that they are more than just highly trained academic drones? What can they do to set themselves aside from the crowd?



This is where extra-curriculars come in.



To give a brief explanation, extra-curricular activities are organized activities that students engage in outside of school time and which help them to acquire the kind of intangible “soft skills” that your school days can’t really teach you. Attributes such as social skills, leadership abilities, compassion and a solid work ethic; these are just some of the things you can demonstrate through a well-developed set of extra-curricular activities.



So, what kind of activities make good additions to a student’s profile?



Let’s take a look at some of the more popular ones.



1) The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and other “outward bound” schemes



The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, named after the English monarch Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Prince Philip, the scheme involves students engaging in various outdoor pursuits, such as hiking, orienteering or perhaps even building their own storm shelter. Those who achieve these awards are often said to acquire great leadership skills and demonstrate high levels of independence and autonomy. These are all the very same kind of intangible attributes that today’s entrance examiners value so highly amongst potential candidates. The awards also promote physical health, emotional well-being and the importance of communicating well with others and working as a team. If you put “excellent communicative and interpersonal skills” on your resume, then having a Duke of Edinburgh Award, or an equivalent, to your name is a good way of backing that claim up.

爱丁堡公爵奖,以英国女王伊丽莎白二世的丈夫菲利普亲王的爵位命名,该计划让学生进行各种户外活动,如远足、定向,甚至建立自己的暴风雨避难所。人们常赞道,获得这些奖项的学生 具有很好的领导能力,并表现出高水平的独立性和自主性。这种无形的品质正是入学面试官重视的申请学生的品质。该奖项还有利于学生的身心健康,以及在一个团队中与他人的交流和合作能力。如果在你的个人履历写上“的沟通和人际交往能力”,再加上一个爱丁堡公爵奖,这将会为你的申请文书大大的加分。


2) Charity Work and Volunteering



Of course, all the great academic institutions look favourably on those who are willing to donate their time and resources to help the less fortunate, but having some charity or voluntary work on your resume is about more than just saying “I’m a nice guy, look at all these starving orphans I’ve helped!”



Charity work again serves as an important key performance indicator for your social and interpersonal skills as well as your ability to problem solve, work together with others, often from vastly different backgrounds and also your ability to deal with tragedy, upheaval and other mentally and emotionally taxing situations.



I’d like to add however, an important footnote for your consideration.



It is often said by many people the world over, that: “charity begins at home”.



This is more than just a simplistic metaphor for mankind’s innate ability to sometimes fail to see the problems on his doorstep as he looks towards the lofty horizons, in the case of building a strong student profile it also has another meaning: You don’t have to go gallivanting halfway around the planet to show your charity work credentials.



Wholehearted charity work will be given the recognition it deserves whether it’s working with an African village, or helping out down at the local homeless shelter or old people’s home. Ultimately, it will have the same impact and if anything universities may look more favourably on someone who has engaged in local work as this suggests that one has undertaken the work out of a selfless desire to give something back to their local community rather than as a self-enhancing cultural or foreign travel experience.



3) Attending conferences and seminars



I was always interested in politics as a teenager and I was very proud to be invited along with a small delegation from my school to take part in a mock European Parliament with delegates from schools all across Central Scotland taking on the roles of different countries around the continent.



I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when I was preparing my university applications a couple of years later, my social studies teacher recommended I add it to my experiences. Lo and behold, the topic came up at my interview and it helped me get an offer, as, given that my course was journalism, the university was especially interested in welcoming students with a political awareness.



So, if you’ve ever been invited to an event, seminar or other such thing, put it on your profile, because you never know the impact it may have.



Hopefully my ramblings will have been of some use to you today. Remember that it is important, above all else, to be as open and honest as possible when doing university interviews. Don’t be afraid to tell them everything you have accomplished outside of school. You would be surprised at how sometimes even the smallest detail can make a huge difference.






