发表于:2018-08-08 14:36:19 95次浏览在前几年,网络上一直流传着几张凌晨四点半哈佛大学图书馆里,灯火通明、座无虚席的照片。
作为全球负盛名的大学,哈佛大学的学生有什么与众不同?近日,哈佛大一名为 John Fish 的学生火遍了。他精准的时间安排和项目管理令无数人传播转发。今天和大家一起学习一下这位小哥哥的时间管理技巧。
今年初,哈佛计算机系学霸小哥哥John Fish给自己立了个目标:每周读一本书,坚持一整年,看看会有怎样的成长。如今,时已过半,小哥哥整理了一份这半年看过的书单,并分享了读书心得,评选出了自己喜欢的6本书。
上午8点15分,吃完饭回到宿舍的John看了看表,离第 一节课上课时间还有45分钟,John想起来这堂课(瑞典语)的作业还有一页没有做。
Schedule 计划
7:00 Wake up / Breakfast 起床吃早饭
8:00 Do some HW 做瑞典语作业
9:00 Swedish 瑞典语课
10:00 Math 数学课
11:30 Lunch 午饭
1:00 CCSI Guest Lecture 计算机课
3:00 Workout 健身房
6:30 Dinner 晚饭
7:00 Work 继续学习
10:00 Bed 睡觉
Goals 目标
Meditate 冥想
9 hours of sleep 睡九小时
Read 50 pgs 读50页书
Film Video 拍这个视频
Motivations 动力
School isn't enough for me to become the person I want to become. I want to use my time outside school to the fullest of my abilities .
时间还早,John决定写一篇第二天要用的文章,是关于文学评论的,评论的是Mihaly Csikszentmihaly 的Flow这本书。
John解释道,这本书有趣的地方在于“我们怎么寻求幸福”,而书中的答 案就是“有意义的生活”。
1. 瑞典语作业:瑞典语作业较少,只有一页。早上课前45分钟的时候把作业写完,不需要占用晚间的学习时间。
2. 数学作业:数学作业是在数天后才交。按题目分割成一小部分一小部分,分配在每天文科作业做累了后换脑子用。在他这里,数学作业不是一项任务,而是调整自己学习状态的一个工具。
3. 阅读 Flow 这本书,写一篇 Literature Review (文学评论):小哥一直都有阅读的习惯。提前很多天便已每日阅读 50 页,到了 due date 前两日的时候,已经积累了不少自己日常的思考。提笔开写,一个小时便已经完成了大部分的内容。
相比而言,绝大多数学生的学习计划都极度依赖于各种截止日期:高中时,这个月报了托福就攻托福,下个月报了 SAT 就攻 SAT,要是两个在同月就拼命;上了大学后,这周有作业 due 就写,没有就不写,期末考试好好复习就行。“
长此以往,当各种作业、考试堆积在一起时,往往会精力不够,熬夜学习成为家常便饭,身体不如,学习效果也不一定高到哪里去。CNN 曾在去年报道过一个哈佛大学的实验,结果表明,参与调查的学生睡眠时间每规律 10%,4 分制的 GPA 提升 0.1 。
遗憾的是,绝大多数留学生处于生活不规律的熬夜作息中。华盛顿邮报在 6 月份的报告中指出,亚裔学生是所有种族中平均睡眠少的。与白人学生相比,我们平均每天要少睡 45 分钟。
所有人的每天都是 24 小时,学霸之所以成为学霸,多是因为零碎时间的利用高于常人,对这个哈佛小哥来说:
1. 瑞典语课前 45 分钟 → 做日常规划,做作业
2. 计算机课前一小时消磨时间 → 写 Essay,做数学题
3. 临开课15分钟 → 剪辑视频
School isn't enough for me to become the person I want to become. I want to use my time outside school to the fullest of my abilities。
即便就读于藤校哈佛,John Fish 也绝不认为学校提供的教育能满足一个人的需要。
2015 年,前维密模特 Karlie Kloss 放弃了她 500 万的,跑去学起了编程,只为“很好奇事物是如何运作的”;13岁时出演《这个杀手不太冷》的女主角的娜塔莉·波特曼,却选择本科主修心理学专业。
某种角度上,flow 这本书中所描绘的成功论,正是对 John Fish 这个小哥的真实写照:将未来的愿景分成一个个的目标,创造一个连贯流畅的人生,然后在人生的每一部分,去享受,去创造,去迎接每个 7 点钟的阳光。
同样的24小时,为什么总有些人比自己那么多?这位哈佛学霸通过严格执行制定的计划,上课读书早睡,为什么别人能成为的全能学霸,也许看完你就知道答 案了。其实他除了是学霸,也是一名运动健将,下面是媒体对这位学霸+体育健将的专访。
John Fish talks running, Harvard, Zen Buddhism and celebrity connections
Fish has shorter term goals of representing Canada on the world stage while also envisioning breaking 4:00 in the mile while at Harvard.
In September, Waterloo, Ont.’s John Fish took his talents to the NCAA, and inaugurated his varsity running career at one of the world’s most renowned academic institutions: Harvard University. The middle-distance specialist possesses PBs of 1:52.60 in the 800m and 3:54.00 in the 1,500m, and owns an OFSAA 1,500m silver medal. A Sir John A. MacDonald High School graduate, he now also has a semester studying computer science under his belt. We caught up with Fish to talk about academics, athletics, and his point of contact with some of the world’s biggest superstars.
Alex Cyr: What made you consider exploring south of the Canada-U.S. border in your search for a university?
John Fish: My decision was in part influenced by athletics and in part by academics. But, that is not to say that one country is better than the other in either realm – both have great runners and schools. What the NCAA has, however, is an outdoor season. I wanted that component [which isn’t offered in Canadian university athletics] in my varsity career, given that I consider myself more of a track athlete than a cross-country athlete. In terms of schooling, I did not want to pass up on the opportunity to go to, arguably, the best academic institution in the world. I think I would have always asked myself “what if” had I not accepted Harvard’s offer.
AC: You were granted the rare opportunity to further your education in the Ivy League. How has been the academic experience so far?
JF: It has been crazy. I am enjoying it. Harvard is a liberal arts college, so we can take a bunch of electives. Had I gone to a Canadian university, more of my courses would have been chosen for me, whereas here, only one of my courses was required. The rest, I get to choose, and some of them have nothing to do with computer sciences. For example, I took a Zen Buddhism course, taught by one of the leading Zen Buddhism journal editors in the world. There were about 12 students in the class, and we spent most of our time sitting in a group and talking about Zen philosophy. But, that is not to say the classes are not rigorous in general – I could not get around taking multivariate calculus.
AC: To obtain acceptance from Harvard is difficult. What do you think opened that door for you and made you stand out?
JF: I think running was what got Harvard’s attention at first. I was fortunate enough to be a national medallist and OFSAA [Ontario high school] medallist. But, I think the reason they continued recruiting me was because I had good academic credentials. I scored well on the SATs, and I am a national science fair silver medallist.
AC: That is not to mention your extensive background in computer sciences.
JF: Yeah, I’ve been pretty involved in computer science over the last year. In the summer before my Grade 12 year, I was hired by a Canadian software company in Waterloo as a software developer. I think I might have been the youngest person working at the company. We are an e-commerce company, meaning we work closely with any website governing online transactions – our website processes these transactions. For example, we deal with Kanye West’s website that sells Yeezys (his sneaker brand). I know people in the company who personally work with Kanye and Kim Kardashian to come up with customized solutions for what kind of business their website needs. I find it cool, because I follow sneaker companies quite closely.
AC: What was your specific role with this company?
JF: Last summer, I was part of an automation project. Our team created an app to design automation without needing any code. Basically, the app eliminated the need to run processes that have to be done in regular business, such as tagging orders for repeat customers. Now, thanks to the app, merchants (like Kanye) do not need to hire developers.
AC: And in the realm of athletics, how are you adapting to a new training environment?
JF: It has been cool. We are in a bit of a rebuilding phase, but I still get to train with some really fast guys. Coming from a smaller place, I was not used to having so many training partners. I really like the coaching as well. I respect his approach – everything we do has a justification behind it. All the workouts and their components are based on research, and if any runner has a question about a workout, it can always be answered and justified. Because I have a science background, that approach resonates well with me.
AC: What athletic goals have you set for yourself in your time at Harvard?
JF: My big short term goal is to make the Canadian team for the 2018 IAAF U20 Championships. That is where I am placing my focus this year. In the long term, I would love to break 4:00 in the mile. It might be too early to know whether I can be competitive at the NCAA level, but meanwhile, I am aiming to make a Canadian national team.
In terms of team goals, we want to become the best middle distance team in the Ivy League. A few years ago, Harvard won both male and female 4x800m titles, and we have the teams to do it this year again.
AC: Do you have any academic goals as well?
JF: I am not sure if I will pursue higher education after my degree here. I guess that for now, my goal is to keep going down the route of computer science and software engineering.
AC: And to meet Kanye?
JF: That is the ultimate goal, yes.
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