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    发表于:2018-10-12 11:30:53  
相关标签: 雅思培训   北京雅思培训



否定事实信息题,在“民间”又被称为事实信息题,就是要根据一定的factual information来作答的。所以我们要注意找准相关的信息。还有一点需要特别注意的是,要找到跟原文信息“不一致”的选项。这其实就是个反选题。


Efforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly. Little success has been reported in New Zealand and England; Washington State’s management program has tried many of these methods and is presently using the herbicide glyphosphate to control its spread.  Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away. Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possible, for it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years. 



According to paragraph 6, each of the following methods has been used in attempts to control Spartina EXCEPT


A.    flooding plants

B.    cutting plants down repeatedly

C.    applying herbicides

D.    introducing predatory insects


这个题问的是控制S的” 方法”都有哪些,除了哪一个,其实问的就是哪一个不是控制S的方法。那么我们去找跟” 方法”相关的词就ok。段句efforts就是“努力,尝试”这样的意思,跟咱们要求的” 方法”意思应该是差不多的,尝试嘛,必然需要方法,因此二者是相通的。那么接着往后看,来确认到底是不是” 方法”。后边直接用to control Spartina这样的定语来修饰efforts,这样就很明朗了,可以非常确定这句话就是题干所提问部分的信息了,那么具体是哪些方法呢---用火烧;用水淹;用帆布来覆盖(其实就是让植物与氧气隔绝);用淤泥来闷死这种植物;用除草剂;及时的割掉这些植物。这些都是“方法”。那么去看下选项,哪个没有在原文中提到呢?A中用的是原文原词flooding;B 中用的cutting是对原文Mow的统一改写;C 中用的也是原文原词;D 中引进捕食性的昆虫,这个并没有在原文中提到过。因此D选项就是要选到那个了。

同学们在做这个题的时候,一定要注意,不要看到个之后觉得和原文意思完全一致啊,那就直接秒选了,酱紫的话,你们就完美入坑了。看到题干中出现了NOT,EXCEPT,NO 这样的字眼的时候,一定要提高警惕,让咱们选的是跟原文信息不一致的选项。看完四个选项之后,再最终确认到底选哪一个。





During wakefulness, breathing is controlled by two interacting systems. The first is an automatic, metabolic system whose control is centered in the brain stem. It subconsciously adjusts breathing rate and depth in order to regulate the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), and the acid-base ratio in the blood. The second system is the voluntary, behavioral system. Its control center is based in the forebrain, and it regulates breathing for use in speech, singing, sighing, and so on. It is capable of ignoring or overriding the automatic, metabolic system and produces an irregular pattern of breathing.



According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true of the voluntary breathing system EXCEPT:

A.  It has its control center in the brain stem.

  1. It controls breathing for a number of activities during      wakefulness.
  2. It is able to bypass the automatic system.
  3. It produces an irregular breathing pattern.



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