The Leadership Insider network is an online community wherethe most thoughtful and influential people in business contributeanswers to timely questions about careers and leadership.Today’s answer to the question “How can you turn an internship into a full-time job?” is by DanRosensweig, CEO of Chegg.
As CEO, this is my absolute favorite time of the year. Over the coming weeks, we will startwelcoming another class of interns, who will constitute about 10% of our U.S. workforce. And atsome point during the summer, each and every one of them is going to ask me (in one form oranother) the same question: How do I turn my summer internship into a full-time job?While we frequently hire recent graduates directly out of our intern pool, the truth is that we aren’tgoing to hire most of our interns—at least not immediately. For one thing, they tend to haveanother year or two left in school. For another, not all of them want to work here when theygraduate–they have other aspirations and that is perfectly okay. But they’re all smart to atleastask.
And that’s kind of the point: The best interns tend to ask a lot of questions. Whether itbe about the company, industry or specific skills–they’re all necessary questions to better helpthem pursue the right career path. The best interns are bright, naturally curious, and quickly ableto build on the skills we teach them, ultimately delivering real value for our company. In short,they’re exactly the type of entry-level people we want to hire.