发表于:2015-08-03 19:20:58 想要判断北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家,首先要知道这家培训机构对于雅思的新考试大纲解读是否,是否把握了时代的脉搏,对此,小编郑重北京朗阁培训中心,他对于2015年的雅思考试进行了解读后,找到了以下几点:新曾内容:文献历史/社科文章,科学文章;新增项目:证据引用;新增形式:图表信息
科学文章会对假设,实验过程,和数据提问。文章中可以找到,理论上不需要超出文章内容之外的科学知识 “Prior topic-specific knowledge is never tested”。
【Science passages may be paired with questions focused on hypotheses, experimentation, and data. 】北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家?北京朗阁培训中心的老师表示文学文章有关于主题,语气,特性描述(人物塑造)问题。【Literature passages may be paired with questions focused on theme, mood, and characterization. 】
北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家?北京朗阁培训中心的老师指出引用证据(command of evidence),需要进行三个方面考察:
【The use of evidence: Students will need to find the evidence in a passage that best supports the answer to a previous question or that serves as the basis for a reasonable conclusion.】北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家?北京朗阁培训中心的老师指出作者如何用各种证据去支持自己的主张 【The analysis of an argument: Students will need to identify the way authors use evidence to support their claims.】北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家?北京朗阁培训中心的老师表示这些跟下面信息图表有关系。图表与文本的关系。【The analysis of quantitative information: Students will need to examine informational graphics and relate the information conveyed by them to the information and ideas conveyed through words.】
北京好的雅思培训机构是哪家 原创内容,请点击北京英语培训