培训首页  >  瑜伽新闻  >  除了送孩子去学校,我们还可以为孩子做什么


[2019-04-04 15:07:35] 浏览量:103 来源:



When  we practice at home, Kids, almost inevitably, can get in the way of a parent's yoga practice.It was only natural for us to invite our children on the mat. It wasnt a hard sellour kids wanted to be a part of our yoga, which was great and very welcome. 



If our kids are any indication, we are offering 6 tips for doing yoga with your kids.



1. Focus on the basics.


Kids love Downward-Facing Dog, Tree Pose, Warrior II, and Easy Pose. These are great beginner poses, in general.


Tree Pose is a great single-leg balance to practice with your children. Hold hands to link your trees together and create a forest. This is a fun way to help your kids balance while building their confidence in their abilities.



2. Let them surprise you.


Teach them what they should be doing, and dont fret if their poses aren't perfect. Your kids may surprise you. 



3. Play with animal poses.


Consider focusing on the animal-named poses like Camel, Butterfly (Bound Angle Pose), Cobra, Cat/Cow, etc. These postures will resonate with them and are ones that will allow them to be more playful and silly.



Camel Pose is a challenging backbend, but the good news is that it can be modified for kids in the same way that it can be modified for adults. Begin in a kneeling position with the thighs perpendicular to the floor, place your hands onto your lower back, fingers pointed down. Lift your chest and create an even backbend, avoiding collapsing into the lower back. If your children would like to attempt the full expression of the pose, encourage them to first try the pose with their toes tucked and heels lifted. Slowly reach one hand back at a time to hold each heel. If that goes well, they can try the version with toes untucked. Whichever version they attempt, just make sure that they are safe and having a good time.



4. Add modifications to make it extra fun.


Kids are naturally flexible so they love Cobra Poseespecially if you ask them to try to touch their toes to their head! Partnering with mom makes it extra fun.





5. Don't expect them to do a full practice.

我们知道这听起来很明显,但当我们的孩子开始加入我们的时候,我们以为他们会喜欢上瑜伽并练习30 - 45分钟。错了!10岁以下儿童的注意力通常无法集中那么长时间,但他们可以在垫子上保持5 - 10分钟,所以,从简短的动作开始。

We know this sounds obvious, but when our kids started to join us, we thought they would just fall in love with yoga and practice for a full 3045 minutes. WRONG. Children under the age of 10 do not typically have the attention span, but they can manage 510 minutes on the mat. So, start with small intervals of time.



6. Get them their own yoga gear.


We dont know about your kids, but ours love to have their own space and their own stuff. These fun yoga mats for kids from Gaiam will make your little ones feel grown upand you wont have to share your mat!





