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双语 | 什么是机会成本?

[2020-04-06 23:27:57] 浏览量:304 来源:


 Unlike most costs discussed in economics, an opportunity cost doesn't necessarily involve money.

 The opportunity cost of any action is simply the next best alternative to that action: What you would have done if you didn't make the choice that you made?与经济学中讨论的大多数成本不同,机会成本并不一定涉及金钱。任何行动的机会成本都只是该行动的次优方案:如果你没有做出这个选择,你会怎么做?“


The notion of opportunity cost is critical to the idea that the true cost of anything is the sum of all the things that you have to give up.
Opportunity cost considers only the next best alternative to an action, not the entire set of alternatives, and takes into account all of the differences between the two choices.

We actually deal with the concept of opportunity cost every day. 

For example, options for a day off work might include going to the movies, staying at home to watch a baseball game, going out to coffee with friends.

Choosing to go to the movies means the opportunity cost of that action is the second choice.



Explicit Versus Implicit Opportunity Costs.

Generally, making choices includes two types of cost: explicit and implicit. Explicit costs are monetary expenses, while implicit costs are intangible and therefore hard to account for.

In some cases, such as weekend plans, the notion of opportunity cost includes only these forgone alternatives, or implicit costs.
But in others, such as a business's profit maximization, opportunity cost refers to the difference in the total of this type of implicit cost and the more typical explicit monetary cost between the first choice and the next best alternative.



