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[2015-11-09 15:52:25] 浏览量:139 来源:


•account for
•make up
•take up
•be divided into
•be allocated to
•be distributed to
•The sales of chicken occupies 45% of the total.
•Beef and pork have the same percentage.
•10% of the total sales is allocated to lamb.
•The smallest percentage is distributed to fish, which gains only 5%.   
•The sales of chicken is 40% more than that of fish.
•                 is 8 times more than that of fish.
•                 is 9 times of that of fish.
•A is equal to B.
•The sales of pork is equal to that of beef.
•A and B are equal.
•A is (exactly/ approximately) the same as B.
•The sales of pork is exactly two times the same as that of lamb.
•A is as …. as B.(表示倍数)
•The sales of chicken is above twice as much as that of beef.
•Pork sells twice as much meat as lamb.
•There are twice as many students in Class A as that of Class B.
•The figures in terms of the daily calorie supply per head and life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh were only the half of those in USA in 1992
•( )
•A versus B
•A as opposes to B
•The sales of chicken (45%) is 40% more than that of fish.
•The sales of chicken is 8 times more than that of fish at 5%.
•Pork and beef are equal at 20%.
•The sales of chicken is 9 times of that of fish, which occupies only 5%.
•The sales of chicken is 9 times of that of fish, occupying only 5%.
With 的使用1)-引出一个数字
•Chicken has the highest percentage
•at 45%.
•, which represents about 45% of the total.
•, accounting for about 45% of the total.
•with 45% of the total being sold.
With 的使用2)-“一拖几”
•More chicken (45%) is sold than any other kind of meat with pork and beef equal at 20%, lamb at 10%, and fish, th2 smallest, at only 5%.
•More chicken (45%) is sold than any other kind of meat with the same percentage (20%) in pork and beef ,10% in lamb, and only 5% in fish.




