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    发表于:2015-12-04 16:10:49  
相关标签: 英语培训   海口英语培训

朗阁海外考试研究中心 崔明媛
【朗阁英语】新托福口语考题回顾 - longre_haikou - 朗阁 雅思英语培训 (海口分校)

考试日期: 2015.11.29
题号 内容
Question 1 Which of the following features can best describe the school you
attended recently?
a). Students help each other.
b). The teachers are professional.
c). The rules are strict.
Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Question 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Process is
more important than result. Use specific examples and details to
explain your answer.
Question 3 Reading part Listening part
The university requires
freshmen to attend three
seminars for two reasons.
1. help them know more
about campus life;
2. make friends;
【学生态度】: The male agrees.
1. The seminars will help students
better prepare for their schedule
2. Students will know other students
from different majors, so they can
communicate and help each other.
Question: Explain the male’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.
Question 4 Reading part Listening part
Facial feedback :
Facial expressions can
affect people’s emotions
when they are doing things.
Two groups of people were required to
do math practice. The first group of
people was asked to do it with happy
face while the other group was asked
to do with sad face. When they
finished the task, the professor asked
about their feelings. The first group of
people enjoyed the process, and the
other group didn’t have fun.
Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。
Question 5 【学生问题】: The female student has a problem that she caught a
cold last week and her voice isn’t good now, but she has to sing a
song during the class.
【解决方案】: There are two possible solutions.
The first one is to sing as planned, but she may not get a good grade.
The second one is to ask for extension, but in that case, she has to
sing two songs in one class which requires more preparation time.
Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations
Question 6 【讲课要点】: The professor talks about two ways of replenishing
oxygen in ocean.
1. Internal source: plants can produce oxygen when they produce
2. External source: when air and water contact, air can get into water.
And when strong wind blows, it can cause big waves, so the contact
area is larger and that means more air can get into water.
【朗阁英语】新托福口语考题回顾 - longre_haikou - 朗阁 雅思英语培训 (海口分校)


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