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    发表于:2016-03-16 17:58:29  
相关标签: 英语培训   海口英语培训



1. 关于是

TRUE  if the statement agrees with the information

YES   if the statement reflects the opinion of thewriter

agreeswith the information和reflects the opinion of the writer就是对于什么是“是”很好的诠释。

A. 当题目中的信息与文章中的信息是同义或近义的表达时,结果为“是”

题目:Feedingincreasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigationsystems.

文章:Foodproduction has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of theexpansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40%of the world’s food.


的Question 22,题目和文章中的表达均为同义转换,故选项为“是”。

B. 当文章中的信息可客观推断出题目中的信息时,选项为“是”

题目:Morethan 320,000 tons of salmon were caught in Alaska in 2000.

文章:During2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes,with an ex-vessel value of over $US260 million.


的Question 18,仔细体会这道题,会发现,文章中的commercial和Pacific在题目中均未提及,但文章中给出的信息却足以推断出题目中的信息,故选项为“是”。

2. 关于非

FALSE  if the statement contradicts the information

NO     if the statement contradicts the opinionof the writer

contradictsthe information和contradicts the opinion of the writer就是对于什么是“非”很好的诠释。

A. 当题目中的信息与文章中的信息相反时,结果为“非”

题目:Industrialgrowth is increasing the overall demand for water.

文章:Althoughpopulation, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soarin developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers,rivers and lakes has slowed. And in a few parts of the world, demand hasactually fallen.



B. 当题目中的信息与文章中的信息相对立时,结果为“非”

题目:TheFAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine.

文章:Anaccident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted inthe establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate andoversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, whichwere becoming quite congested.


的Question 20,题目与文章信息并不相反,但信息相互对立,故结果为“非”。

3. 关于无

NOTGIVEN if there is no information onthis

NOTGIVEN if it is impossible to say whatthe writer thinks about this

noinformation on this和impossible to say what the writer thinks about this就是对于什么是“无”很好的诠释。

A. 证据不足,无法判断

题目:Turtleswere among the first group of animals to migrate back to the sea.

文章:Turtleswent back to the sea a very long time ago and, like all vertebrate returnees tothe water, they breathe air.


的Question 31,文章中给到的信息并不足以对题目的信息进行判断,故结果为“无”。



1.     比较关系

A. 题目中比较的双方和文章中的双方相同,且比较的结果相同,结果为“是”。


Question13 Computers are better thanhumans at detecting faults in glass.

文章:Inspectiontechnology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made acrossthe ribbon, locating flaws theunaided eye would be unable to see.

B. 题目中比较的双方和文章中的双方相同,但比较的结果相对立,结果为“非”。


Question21 Water use per person is higherin the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.

文章:Atthe height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layoutof pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as isprovided in many parts of the industrial world today.

C. 题目中比较的双方和文章中的双方相同,但比较关系并未在文章中体现,结果为“无”。


Question3 Ants can build large cities morequickly than humans do.

文章:Whenwe survey Mexico City, Tokyo, Los Angeles, we are amazed at what has beenaccomplished by humans. Yet Hoelldobler and Wilson’s magnificent work for antlovers, The Ants, describes a super colony of the ant Formica yessensis on theIshikari Coast of Hokkaido. This ‘megalopolis’ was reported to be composed of360 million workers and a million queens living in 4,500 interconnected nestsacross a territory of 2.7 square kilometers.

2.     数字(基数词/序数词)

A.    题目中的数字与文章中提供的信息相同,结果为“是”。


Question34 The survey concluded that one-fifthor 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area.

文章:Interestingfacts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot;80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to thecollection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.

B.    题目中的数字与文章中提供的信息相对立,结果为“非”。


Question22 Halley observed onetransit of the planet Venus.

文章:Nevertheless,he accurately predicted that Venus would cross the face of the Sun in both 1761and 1769 – though he didn’t surviveto see either.

C.    题目中的数字无法由文章中提供的信息推断出,结果为“无”。


Question31Turtles were among the first groupof animals to migrate back to the sea.

文章:Turtleswent back to the sea a very long timeago and, like all vertebrate returnees to the water, they breathe air.

4.     因果关系

A. 题目中的因果关系和文章中的因果关系一致,结果为“是”。


Question25 Modern technologies have led toa reduction in domestic water consumption.

文章:Butsince 1980, the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased, thanks to a range of newtechnologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry.

B. 题目中的因果关系和文章中的因果关系对立,结果为“非”。


Question20 The FAA was created as a result ofthe introduction of the jet engine.

文章:An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyonin 1956resulted in theestablishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate andoversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, whichwere becoming quite congested.

C. 题目中的因果关系无法通过文章中的信息推断出,结果为“无”。

5.     除以上考点以外的表语或宾语部分

A. 题目中的表语(或宾语)与文章中的信息表达方向一致,结果为“是”。


Question32 Prior to the start of MIRTP the Makete district was almost inaccessible during the rainy season.

文章:Whenthe project began, Makete District was virtuallytotally isolated during the rainy season.

B. 题目中的表语(或宾语)与文章中的信息表达方向相反或对立,结果为“非”。


Question5 In one experiment, foraging teams wereable to use their sense of smell to find food.

文章:Elaborateprecautions were taken to prevent theforaging team using odour clues.

C. 题目中的表语(或宾语)无法通过文章中的信息推断出,结果为“无”。


Question22 Beacons and flashing lights arestill used by ATC today.

文章:Asearly as the 1920s, the earliest air traffic controllers manually guidedaircraft in the vicinity of the airports, using lights and flags,while beacons and flashing lights wereplaced along cross-country routes to establish the earliest airways.

朗阁海外考试研究中心的们在此提醒各位考生:1. 尽信书不如无书。直接的拿来主义不可取,别人总结出来的经验和技巧如果不花时间去揣摩、去领悟,非但不能帮大家做对题,甚至有可能会达到反效果,所以请各位考生不要死记硬背;2. 熟能生巧。适量的练习可以提高做题的反应速度、敏感度、正确率,但前提是思路明确且清晰,切不可为了做题而做题,机械的练习无法提高正确率,反而有可能造成思维定式;3. 融会贯通。的人在第三次做同一件事的时候开始找规律,不同的文章虽然话题多样,但出题思路极其相似,有意识地找到题目之间的内在联系,定能事半功倍。


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