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雅思口语| Part3: Work 工作



    发表于:2020-12-16 17:04:02  
相关标签: 雅思培训   沈阳雅思培训

be fulfilling 令人满意的,能实现个人抱负的

The idea that work might be fulfilling, rather than just painfully necessary, is a strikingly recent invention. 有一个不久前才被发明的想法:工作有可能是有意义的,而不总是那么痛苦。

a prosperous world 繁荣的现代社会

obtain money through our labor 通过劳动赚钱

to a greater or lesser extent 或多或少

 find meaning and satisfaction 找到意义和满足感

Nowadays in a prosperous world, we don't only expect to obtain money through our labor, we also, to a greater or lesser extent, expect to find meaning and satisfaction. 在繁荣的现代社会,我们不仅希望通过劳动赚钱,也或多或少地期待,能在工作中找到意义和满足感。

on the quest for fulfilling work 寻找有满足感工作

To help us on the quest for fulfilling work here are some useful ideas:为了寻找有满足感工作,以下是六个很有用的点子:

is perfectly normal 是很正常的

Firstly, accept the being confused about careers is perfectly normal.


in a pre-industrial world 在工业革命前

In a pre-industrial world there were, at most, some 2,000 different trades out there; nowadays there' re estimated to be half a million different options.在工业革命前,社会上多只有 2000 个不同职业方向。而如今,大约有 50 万种不同的职业可以选。

end up making no choice at all 最后什么都没选

paralysis stemming from too many options 选项太多就麻木了

The result: we can become so anxious about making the wrong choice, we end up making no choice at all; psychologists call this "the paradox of choice", paralysis stemming from too many options. 结果我们总是在焦虑万一选错了怎么办,以至于最后什么都没选。心理学家称之为「选择悖论」,选项太多就麻木了。

scupper our chances 让机会白白流失

We should acknowledge that confusion is natural, and fear entirely normal; but let neither of these scupper our chances forever. 我们应该承认,感到困惑是很自然的,感到恐惧也再正常不过,但不能因为害怕或疑惑让机会白白流失。

has particular relevance to careers 和职业生涯也息息相关

Secondly, know yourself. It's the oldest philosophical recommendation, and has particular relevance to careers.第二,认识你自己。这是古老的哲学建议,和职业生涯也息息相关。

doesn't arise spontaneously 不会天生就知道

For 99% of us knowing what we want to do doesn't arise spontaneously; like for example, knowing what to eat. 对于 99% 的人来说,我们不是天生就知道自己想做什么。不会像饿了之后知道想吃什么那样简单。

don't have a calling 没有使命感

don't hear a commanding god like voice directing us to sth.不会听到一个神一般的指令对我们说去做某事

Most of us don't have a calling; we don't hear a commanding god like voice directing us to accountancy, or packaging and distribution. 我们中的大多数也没有上天传递的旨意,不会听到一个神一般的指令对我们说去做会计或货品运输员吧。

don't have taste or inclinations 没有偏好或倾向

don't know them clearly enough 对它们了解得还不够清楚

That isn't to say we don't have taste or inclinations, we just don't know them clearly enough, which is a perilous position to be in, as not having a plan quickly puts us at the mercy of those who do have one. 这并不是说我们没有偏好或倾向,而是我们对它们了解得还不够清楚,这是一个有点危险的情况,因为如果你没计划,那些心中有计划的人就打算给你一份工作了。

catch glimpses, little hints of our tastes 对自己的兴趣爱好只有一个隐约的大致印象

We only catch glimpses, little hints of our tastes. 我们对自己的兴趣爱好只有一个隐约的大致印象

pick up on their faint sounds 从蛛丝马迹中把他们辨识出来

park any concerns for money for a time 撇开对金钱的考量

financial panic 对金钱的忧虑

kills all dialogue with the more authentic, passionate sides of one's nature 阻碍我们和真诚、热情的内在自我对话

So what we have to do is learn to pick up on their faint sounds: start by parking any concerns for money for a time; financial panic too often kills all dialogue with the more authentic, passionate sides of one's nature. 所以我们必须学着从蛛丝马迹中把他们辨识出来:首先撇开对金钱的考量,对金钱的忧虑经常会阻碍我们和真诚、热情的内在自我对话,

without being too logical or analytical  别在乎逻辑和分析

Write down, without being too logical or analytical /ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl/  about it, everything you've ever enjoyed doing or making, which might include building a tree-house, or sorting out the winter clothes. 写下那些你做过的,让你真正乐在其中的每一件事情,先别在乎逻辑和分析;这其中可能包含盖树屋、整理换季的衣服。

the more... the more...

The weirder and more offbeat list, the better. 这份清单越符合你个人、越奇特越好。
























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