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雅思口语| Interesting person 有趣的人



    发表于:2020-12-28 10:55:40  
相关标签: 雅思培训   沈阳雅思培训

haunt sb. 困扰某人

One of our great fears, which haunts us when we go out into the world and socialize with others is that we may in our hearts be really rather boring. 在社交活动时,一种恐惧常伴着我们。我们可能会是无聊的人

a fundamental truth 基本真理

But the good news and a fundamental truth too, is that no one is ever truly boring.但是同时也是基本真理:没有人是真正无趣的

fail to understand their deeper selves 无法了解自我

They're only in danger of coming across as such when they either fail to understand their deeper selves or don't dare or know how to communicate them to others.只有濒临无聊的人,他们不是无法了解自我,就是不敢或不知道怎么与他人交流

have the courage or concentration to tell us what it's like to be them 有勇气或是耐心的表现自我的灵魂

When we call a person boring, we're just pointing to someone who's not had the courage or concentration to tell us what it's like to be them.当我们说一个人无聊时,我们只是指出一个人没有勇气或是没有耐心的表现自我的灵魂。

what we truly desire, envy, regret, mourn and dream 什么是我们是真正渴望的,羡慕的,遗憾的,哀悼的,梦想的东西

By contrast, we invariably prove compelling when we succeed in saying how and what we truly desire, envy, regret, mourn and dream.相比之下,当我们成功地说什么是我们是真正渴望的,羡慕的,遗憾的,哀悼的,梦想的东西的时候,这样会一贯地让人觉得有无法抗拒的魅力。

captivate others 让别人着迷

faithfully recuperates the real data 复原真实的信息

Anyone who faithfully recuperates the real data on what it's like to exist, is guaranteed to have material with which to captivate others.当任何人真诚地重写对如何生活的问题他必定有独特的地方。

be present at large geopolitical events 经历过大型地缘政治事件

meet  dignitaries 见过显要的人

The interesting person isn't someone to whom obviously and outwardly interesting things have happened: someone who's traveled the world, met important dignitaries or been present at large geopolitical events. Nor is it someone who speaks in learned terms about the weighty themes of culture, history or science.有趣的人并不一定让你明显感到有趣的事情会发生或者经历过大型地缘政治事件的人。也不是一个用文化,历史,科学的学术术语说话的人

an attentive, self-aware listener 细心的,有自我意识的听者

give us faithful accounts the pathos, drama and strangeness of being alive 给予我们活着的悲哀感,戏剧感和陌生感

There's someone who's grown into an attentive, self-aware listener and a reliable, honest correspondent of the tremors of their own mind and heart and who can thereby give us faithful accounts the pathos, drama and strangeness of being alive.他们只是成长为细心的,有自我意识的听者和一个忠于自己想法和内心的可靠,诚实的叙事者因此它们能给予我们活着的悲哀感,戏剧感和陌生感。

get in the way us being as interesting as we in fact are阻碍我们变得和真实的我们一样有趣

What then are some of the elements that get in the way of us being as interesting as we in fact are?那么到底是什么元素阻碍我们变得有趣或是我们其实是有趣的?

lose faith 失去信心

stand the best chance of interesting others 用好的方式使别人产生兴趣

Firstly and most crucially, we bore when we lose faith that it  really could be our feelings that would stand the best chance of interesting others.首先,关键的是,当我们失去信心时我们会变得无聊,这可能真的是我们的感受无法用好的方式使别人产生兴趣。

out of modesty and habit  出于谦虚和习惯

push some of our most interesting perceptions to one side 把一些有趣的看法推到一边

Out of modesty and habit we push some of our most interesting perceptions to one side, in order to follow respectable but dead conventions of what might impress.出于谦虚和习惯我们把一些有趣的看法推到一边,却接受刻板的约定习俗从而求得别人的好印象。


tell anecdotes  /ˈænɪkdəʊt/ 讲轶事

throw the emphasis on the outward details 强调外在的细节

When we tell anecdotes we throw the emphasis on the outward details: who was there, when we went, what the temperature was like rather than maintaining our nerve to report on the layer of feelings beneath the facts.报道事实之下的感情层。当我们讲轶事时,我们强调外在的细节:谁在那里,我们什么时候去,温度是多少而不是将我们的思维.

the humiliating sulk 丢脸的生闷气的时刻

The moment of guilt, the sudden sexual attraction, the humiliating sulk, the carreer crisis, the strange euforia at 3 a.m.感到羞愧的时刻,突然的性冲动,不堪的沮丧,职业危机,在凌晨3点奇怪的兴奋

an oversight 疏忽

Our neglect of our native feelings isn't just an oversight, it can be a deliberate strategy to keep our minds away from realizations that threaten our ideas of dignity and normality.我们忽视自我原始的感觉不只是无心的。这可能是一个故意的策略来让我们的思想远离现实,让我们的尊严和观念收到威胁。

babble inconsequentially to the world 向这个世界喋喋不休

look more closely and unflinchingly within 更贴近地看清自己

We babble inconsequentially to the world because we lack the nerve to look more closely and unflinchingly within.我们不顾一切唠叨世事,因为我们缺乏神经来更贴近地看清自己的能力。

are especially uncensored correspondents of these feelings 

It feels significant that most five-year-olds are far less boring than most 45-year-olds. What makes these children gripping is not so much that they have more interesting feelings than anyone else, far from it, but that they are especially uncensored correspondents of these feelings.重要的是,大多五岁的孩子都远远比大多数45岁的人有趣让这些孩子有趣的,并不是说他们比别人有更多有趣的想法。相反的是,他们都特别没有注重过自己的情绪。而是会毫无保留地传达这些情绪。

are still instinctively loyal to themselves 仍然本能地忠于自己

candidly tell us what they really think about sth. 坦率地告诉我们他们的真实想法

Their inexperience of the world means they are still instinctively loyal to themselves and so they will candidly tell us what they really think about Granny and their little brother, what their plans for reforming the planet are and what they believe everyone should do with their boogies. 他们对世界的经验不足意味着他们仍然本能地忠于自己所以他们会坦率地告诉我们他们的真实想法。关于奶奶和他们的小弟弟的事,他们改造星球的计划是什么,以及他们认为每个人都应该怎样跳舞

by nature 天生的

begins its malevolent reign over us in adolescence to appear normal  始于青春期时我们为了让自己显得正常

We are rendered boring not by nature so much as by a fateful will that begins its malevolent reign over us in adolescence to appear normal.


help them viscerally understand why 帮助他们发自内心理解为什么

Yet, even when we're honest about our feelings we may still prove boring because we don't know them as well as we should, and so we get stuck at the level of insisting on an emotion rather than explaining it. We'll assert with ever greater emphasis that a situation was extremely exciting, or awful, or beautiful, but not be able to provide those around us with any of the sort of related details and examples that would help them viscerally understand why.然而,即使我们对自己的感受是诚实的我们可能仍然会觉得无聊,因为我们不了解这些情绪, 所以我们被困在强调自己情感的层面而不是解释它。我们将更加强调一个情况是非常极度兴奋的,或可怕的,或美丽的,但不能为我们身边的人提供任何相关的细节和例子从而来帮助他们理解为什么。

end up boring 最后变得无聊;以无聊而告终

We can end up boring,not so much because we don't want to share our lives,as because we don't yet know them well enough to do so.


is neither exclusive nor reliant on exceptional talent既不是独有的也不依赖于特殊的天分

Fortunately, the gift of being interesting is neither exclusive nor reliant on exceptional talent.It requires only direction, honesty and focus.



be alive to what we all deeply want from social intercourse很想从社交中得到什么的

The person we call interesting is in essence someone alive to what we all deeply want from social intercourse, which is an uncensored glimpse of what the brief waking dream called life looks like through the eyes of another person, and reassurance we are not entirely alone with all that feels most bewildering, peculiar and intense within us.

























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