雅思口语Part 2:用英文解说古诗
发表于:2021-07-09 09:45:47说起古诗,大家Z先想到的是哪一呢?中国几千的历史,流传下来太多太多脍炙人口的诗歌,有描写思乡之情的“举头望明月,低头思故乡”,有描写美景的“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”,有抒发爱国之情的“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”。那这些优美的诗句,用英语该如何描述呢?下面,我们就结合这道雅思口语话题,来聊一下《静夜思》这诗。
本期Part 2 话题
Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song.
You should say:
What it is Which song or poem it is from
How you got to know it
And explain why you like it.
Today I'm going to talk about Jing Ye Si, written by Li Bai from the Tang dynasty.
It is the most classic poem in all of Chinese history, basically this is the first poem that students learn when beginning to study classic Chinese. Jing means tranquil, Ye means night, and Si means actually "think" in our language. So we can translate this title as “thoughts of a silent night”, to put it in a nutshell this poem is mainly about feeling homesick.
My favorite line in this poem is: "I raise my head and gaze at the bright moon, and then lower it and think of my hometown".
I know this poem is definitely not the best one out of all Chinese poems, but this line really touches me and conjures up emotions of what it's like to long for your hometown. You know, I'm currently apart with my family, studying in a total strange city, and it gives me a hard time to live a good life without staying with my loved ones, especially when it comes to some special traditional Chinese holidays in which we're supposed to have a family reunion, however I can't get the chance to go back to my hometown, and there are inevitable bouts of homesickness, I don't even know how to cope with it, so it becomes a real issue for me. Therefore I think this line of poetry is a true picture of my mind, and I’m really on the same page with the poet in that respect.
1. To put it in a nutshell 简而言之
2. Be on the same page 达成共识
3. Inevitable adj. 不可避免的;不能防止的
雅思口语Part 2:用英文解说古诗 原创内容,请点击南宁雅思培训