Part 2
Describe a time you helped a friend You should say: When it was How you helped him/her Why you helped him/her And how you felt about it About four years ago I lived in a single-bedroom flat that was part of a block of four, two of them above mine were unoccupied but I had a neighbour to my left called Janet. She’s a charming and fascinating woman in her early 30s and we got on famously right from the get go. Originally hailing from my hometown,she had spent the best part of half a decade teaching English as a second language in Galicia, in northern Spain, as well as a brief spell in a small town in South Korea, the name of which has escaped me. I often went round to hers for a cup of coffee and she regaledme tales of her experiences abroad. Unfortunately,Janetsuffers fromchronic fatigue syndrome, I believe it was caused by some type of bacterial infection but I’m not an expert on the subject. The symptoms of which include flare ups of pain and extreme tiredness, among many others. The exhaustion rendered her unable to leave her home,when it was at its peak, and it was completely debilitating. She’s such a lovely woman and would never want to impose on someone but, as I empathisedwith her, I asked if there was anything I could do to help. She reluctantly said that I would be a life saver if I could occasionally pick some daily necessities like milk, bread and so on for her. I replied that it would be no trouble at all and really it wasn’t a bother for me in any way to pop down to the shops now and again and get whatshe needed. I’ve been lucky in my life never to be afflicted with any serious ailments but I was able to put myself in her shoes and imagine how frustrating it would be. What’s more she lived on her own with her cat so didn’t have a good support network around her to lend a hand, which was all the more reason to do what I could. She always showed such gratitude to me when I did a helpful deed that it was impossible not to feel a warm glow of satisfaction. We don’t really keep in touch as these day as we’ve both moved away but I remember herfondly and hope she’s well.
In general, why do people help others?
Some people say, ‘there’s no such thing as a completely selfless act’. I guess this means that even if there’s something a person does that looks totally altruistic, they are being rewarded for it in some way or other. Maybe this sounds a cynical and I could be wrong but I don’t think this idea necessarily paints human beings as uncaring creatures. Helping one’s close friends or family members will have a positive impact on us too, as they’re the first people we’ll turn to in times of need. On top of that, as we have a strong motional bond we empathise more trongly with them, so when they’re satisfied in life so are we. As for strangers and those outside our immediate social circle, I believe we get a small boost of dopamine from providing help to them and perhaps it reinforces our idea of ourselves as being morally good people. Either way the intent behind the act isn’t as important as the act itself.
In my opinion it’s a bit of a self-defeating attitude as we don’t live in isolation but in an interconnected society. ‘No man is an island’, wrote the great 17th century English poet John Donne, which I believe sums up this idea succinctly. Take the example of money, if one person hoards all of the wealth and doesn’t spread it around then they might live a solitary life of luxury but what state would the surrounding world be in? Surely those in penury would grow to resent this individual and perhaps even plot some act of violence or theft as a result. While there will always be some level of financial disparity, it doesn’t benefit the selfish person to be this way. There are many other areas besides money where the results of this attitude are roughly similar. I’m not a believer in karma as some type of mystical force in the universe but I do think there are much more tangible reasonsto help others.
Do you think that countries should help other countries in need?
Oh absolutely, especially when there are dire humanitarian disasters caused by famine, disease, earthquakes, floods or wildfires. Often countries in the globalsouth are often unable to deal with these natural phenomena due to a lack of effective government action and funding, in these situations,NGOs, charities and direct help from other governments can be life-saving. In addition, stabilising a crisis quickly and efficiently will help to prevent mass migration that would simply spread the burden to other places. That being said I also think it’s important not to meddle too much in the affairs of other countries or deploy military forces to solve conflicts. Even though it might be well intentioned in some cases,there’s almost always a blowback effect and unforeseen consequencesthat exacerbate the problems. The recent awful events in Afghanistan and the decisions that led to it seem to provide proof of this. To sum up, I do agree that countries should lend assistance as long as they don’t have an nterventionist agenda.
Environmental protection Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection? To be honest probably not, while I do think it’s important it’s not really my area of expertise so I doubt I would be of much good. I suppose the best thing would be to leave it to those who have studied in that field. I do what I can personally to protect our natural world, things like recycling and trying not to waste electricity and water, but unless I completely etrained and changed my career, I doubt I would enjoy it. Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment? I would like to be able to answer yes to this question but unfortunately, I can’t. While I do all the usual things we know of, I am guilty of buying and disposing of clothing more regularly than I should. I could blame it on the world of fast fashion and rampant consumerismbut the truth is that I like to buy new clothes. Also, I think not many people could truthfully answer yes, unless you live in a cabin in the woods, foraging for food and living a completely sustainable ifestyle, everybody could do more. Is there education about environmental protection at school? I imagine things have probably improved now since I was at school, as people are becoming more and more aware of the issues affecting our environment and this is likely being reflected in compulsory education. When I was in primary and secondary school there were classes on it as part of geography, it mainly talked about the causes and effects of pollution, in addition once we had a guest speaker, who was an nvironmental activist, come to our school to speak at assembly about global warming. Happiness Is there anything that makes you feel happy recently? There are a handful of thingsthat keep me going in life, music, exercise and good riends to name a few but the biggest boostin happinessI get from my family. About once a week I have a video chat with my family back home, it’s usually with my Mum but sometimes other family members are there like my Grandpa, my Dad and my little Sister. Itreally picks me up to hear news from them about my hometown and we often have a good laugh catching up with each other. What do you do to stay happy? I can be prone to feeling blue from time to time so I try my best to employ strategies to keep me in a positive mood. Having a good diet and exercising regularly are totally vital for me, keeping in touch with loved ones on a daily basis also helps and finally trying to avoid negativity from the world at large and from other people seemto be effective. Can you stay happy all the time? I’m sure we’d all like to live in some paradise where we felt this 24/7 but in reality, it’s not possible or even healthy to pursue this idea. As humans we experience a range of emotions, some pleasant and some less so, but all of them are a part of living. Would happiness actually mean anything if it wasn’t juxtaposed with unhappinessfrom time to time? In my opinion probably not. Being comfortable with negative feelings caused by outside influences and trying to process them in a healthy manneris an essentialskill that will help us all live better lives.