发表于:2021-09-01 15:46:51国际簿记师公会IAB(International association of bookkeepers)作为一家非营利性组织,来自于英国,成立于1973年,总部位于英国伦敦。是英国法律认可的职业会计师团体,协会在早期专注于为薄记师提供专业认和资格考试。IAB现任为英国工党之一,影子内阁,国会议员。IAB的历史可追溯至1916年,更为关键的是,IAB注册于英国Oqual,即:英国资格认与考试监督管理办公室Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator,Oqual负责对英国级资质认机构提供背书(在此机构注册的还有AIA\ACCA等英国会计师组织),这意味着获取IAB授予的执业资格书将会被英国政府所承认。成立至今,IAB为中小企业的启动发展提供财务和业务技能,也不间断的为成千上万世界各地的会员和会计学院开发和提供不同阶段和科目的会计和簿记课程。在世界各地的许多高校,包括英国爱丁堡大学、英国公开大学、英国北安普顿大学、英国曼彻斯特波尔顿等诸多大学,也在世界范围内提供IAB资格课程。除此之外,IAB还被英国税务与海关总署(HMRC)所认可,并成为《英联邦2007年反洗钱法案》特约监管人,IAB长期服务、监督活跃于世界反洗钱反金融犯罪领域,分别在全球约60个开展学术活动并设立学习中心,为英国以及全球金融、财务市场培养了大量金融与会计专业人才,其课程可衔接英国及欧洲大学硕士与MBA课程。每年6月的个周末定期在英国国会大厅举办年会及授予资格书的仪式。
The IAB … for bookkeepers, run by successful bookkeepers
The International Association of Bookkeepers is a membership organisation and awarding body providing qualifications in bookkeeping, payroll and finance to members worldwide.
Our aim is simple – raising the bar of bookkeeping both in the UK and abroad – by creating a global community of aspirational, entrepreneurial, highly-qualified and successful bookkeepers and finance professionals.
We offer accredited training, support and continuing development from the beginning of a student’s journey and throughout their career. This includes flexible, Ofqual-regulated qualifications, continued professional development and frequent regulatory updates
As an IAB member, you’ll have access to weekly support via our Ambassador Groups, including twice-monthly live Q&As with the main directors, both successful bookkeepers in their own right, giving you the help you need every step of the way.
Your membership also gives you access to a TAX & VAT helpline .
Being part of the IAB family means your business and career will go from strength to strength.
With qualifications regulated by Ofqual, the IAB is a statutory supervisory body under the Money Laundering Regulations. Setting world-class standards, it offers students worldwide the chance to gain the very best financial qualifications – as well as lifelong skills. The IAB is also a professional body for bookkeepers.
Decades of best practice
Founded in 1973, the IAB is both an awarding and professional body. Today, celebrating over 40 years of success, it not only offers a host of regulated bookkeeping and business qualifications, it supports and regulates professionals on their career path.
With membership attracting students, business owners and accounting professionals alike, the IAB’s sights are on the future – helping members maintain their skills and respected status.
shou席财务官(财务职业经理人)报名: 132-6996- 88O5