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    发表于:2013-05-12 14:10:49  




   大家好!我是Alex Wong, 曾于2009至2010年在诺亚国际英语学习。现在在美国念高中,将于今年秋天考入威斯康星大学继续学习。在这里我想谈谈诺亚以及诺亚带给我的改变。












  Greetings to you all! My name is Alex Wong. I am a former student at Royal English from 2009 to 2010. I attended high school in the US and I will be a student at University of Wisconsin-Madison this fall. I'm writing this letter in hope to convey my opinions of Royal English and how it had changed me.


  First off, Royal English has some very fine teachers, both foreign and domestic. The foreign teachers I had encountered were all very fun-loving and knowledgeable. They had taught me much about the English language and culture. In my case I had a majority of American teachers (V and Marchello to be specific), and both of them did a fabulous job helping me to become confident in speaking the English language. Becoming confident in speaking a new language is key, and oftentimes it is the most difficult barrier to overcome. With their help and encouragement, I was able to overcome that obstacle with ease. Furthermore, it was always fun having them as teachers. I still remember having classes with both V and Marchello and sometimes the whole class period was filled with laughter. They definitely try to make the class as relaxing as possible while teaching me some very valuable lessons. This is just my experience with the foreign teachers, but I am sure that many others are like the same. The domestic teachers I have befriended with were very patient and kind. For example they were always very patient and friendly when I had issues scheduling courses and I am very grateful for that. Overall it was a real pleasure working with all of the teachers at Royal English.


  Another aspect I liked about Royal English is that it has the optimal environment for true English learners. They try their best to create an English-only environment which is essential to learning a foreign language. Of course their would be people who break this English-only rule intentionally or unintentionally, but nothing is perfect. Also, you will meet great people(students) like you at Royal. The environment at Royal fosters great friendships. The people you go to classes with will soon become your friends, and that friendship does last for a long time. In my case I met many people of my age who were about to go to the US for school. We were able to share experiences and help each other preparing for the upcoming adventures in the US. I still keep in touch with a girl who goes to school in England and another girl who goes to school in the US, both of whom I met at Royal English.


  Finally I would like to offer you some tips in learning English. Regarding memorizing vocabularies, I suggest tossing away the traditional vocab book and read original English literature. You will pick up unfamiliar words as you go and it is easier to understand the usage of the word within the context. Also, I find it much easier to memorize the word once you've seen it times after times in your readings. It is a good way to hit two birds with one stone: you will not only be able to memorize the word and understand its meaning and usage, but also acquire knowledge from whatever articles or books you are reading. Of course, it is not the best way for everyone. Some of you may find it easier to just plainly memorize the vocabs. Regardless, if you have never tried my method, give it a shot. It's always fun to try out new ways to do things! As for speaking the language, just be confident. It is the stepping stone to becoming a fluent speaker. There is no real method as to how to become confident. It is really up to you. Ask yourself how bad do you want to become fluent? Or how soon do you want to achieve your next goal in learning English? Once you're confident, all other obstacles will fall like dominoes.


  I wish you all success in your learning endeavors! And Royal English is definitely an outstanding institution to help you becoming successful in learning English!




  Alex Wong


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