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[2016-09-22 15:17:03] 浏览量:67 来源:


1.Anytime you're ready.只要你准备好了任何时候都可以。

2.Just get out of my way.靠边儿站/别挡路。
3.I'm totally behind this.我完全赞成这个。
4.Doesn't matter to me.跟我没关系/我无所谓了。
5.I'm taking my time.我在静观其变。
6.Let's get to it.我们有话直说吧。
7.It's shaping up.进展顺利。
8.Your timing is just right.你来得正好。
9.You stay out of this.别插手这事。
10.You're all mixed up.你全搞乱了。
11.You look upset.你好像情绪不好。
12.You're thoughtful.想得真周到。
13.It's rush hour.这是上班高峰时间。
14.It's about time.正是时候。
15.What a drag!真是乏味!
16.Anyone will do.谁都行。
17.It was a tough call for me.我感到左右为难。
18.I don't wanna ruin it for you.我不想让你扫兴。
19.Don't take this the wrong way.别误会我的意思。
20.We made a pact.我们约定好了。
21.Don't be so hard on yourself.所以别太自责了。
22.Like you always do.像你一贯的作风。
23.Give me a little credit !对我有点信心!
24.What goes around comes around.出来混迟早要还的。
26.That makes two of us.英雄所见略同。
27.Your face tells it all.你的表情透露了一切。
28.Don't look wise.别自作聪明!
29.You never know.世事难料。
30.Neck and neck.不分上下。
31.How do I address you?我怎么称呼你?
32.It isn't much.微不足道。
33.Any urgent thing?有急事吗?
34.I'm pressed for time.我赶时间。
34.Let's talk over coffee.我们边喝边谈。
35.Read between the lines.领会字里行间的意思。
36.I'm not the most demonstrative person.我不是一个很善于表达的人。
37.I still cannot get over the fact.我还是不能释怀。
38.Don't nitpick!别死抠字眼!
39.You have got to dig in your heels.你必须坚定你的原则。
40.Can't you be a little bit flexible?你就将就点不行吗?
41.I would love to hear your thoughts.我很想听听你的想法。
42.It is a complicated situation.情况很复杂。
43.You have got to chill now.你现在要冷静下来。
44.He's been following me everywhere.我到哪他都跟着。
45.I’m happy for you.我替你高兴。
46.None of it matters anymore.现在这一切都不重要了。
47.Say what comes to mind.想到什么说什么。
48.You can't force things.有些事你是不可强求滴。
49.Don't beat yourself up.不要自责。
50.I'm really pooped.我现在真的累趴下了。
51.There's no going back.没法回头了。
52.Denying it doesn't change the truth.否认并不能改变事实。
53.Hard to tell.很难说。
54.Quit that thought.想都别想。
55.You've got a hell of an imagination.你的想象力太丰富了吧!
56.Track him down!查出他的下落!
57.Ithought you never asked.我还以为你不会问呢!
58.It won't get you anywhere.你这样是行不通的。
59.She’s kind of wigs out.她太激动了。
60.Hooking up with some guy half your age.老牛吃嫩草。
61.It’s just a drizzle.不过是毛毛雨而已。
62.You must be so relieved.你可松了口气了。
63.Should we color-coordinate?我们要穿情侣装吗?
64.Can we talk about this later?我们能不能过会儿再说这个?
65.What's to discuss?还要商量啥啊?
66.I was stunned.我都不知所云了。
67.Why is it such a big deal to you?你为什么这么重视? 


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