艾思教育 | 其他培训机构 | |
学习方法与内容 | 艾思“情景体验式”教学,全部课程面对面小班中外教授课 | 学习方法的组合没有相互关联,大部分依赖第三方软件自学完成。教学内容只能覆盖有限的领域,非定制。 |
学习效果的管理 | 私人学习顾问全程跟进你的学习情况,每两个单元进行单元测试,保证学习效果。每天设置一个小时的Q&A时间,让学员当天的问题当天解答。 | 教学反馈没有制度化,不能实时提供。 |
教师资格 | 中教专业英语八级及海外留学经验。外教拥有TEFL(或同等证书) | 低的教学资格要求 |
教师上课时间 | 学员每周多可以获得40个小时的面对面的主修课或者沙龙课程。 | 每周只有一到三个小时的面授时间,其他时间都主要是通过电脑软件学习。 |
学习效果 | 每周课程顾问老师跟进学习情况,老师并做回访,没掌握的教学内容可以免费让学员掌握后在进行下一个的学习。 | 不完善的跟进系统,不设免费补课。 |
学习费用 | 艾思的收费仅为其他同类机构的三分之一。是一间人人消费得起的培训机构。 | 高额的收费,很多学员都需要信用卡进行支付,会对学员造成很大的生活压力。 |
外教沙龙补充课 通过大量的主题场景对话练习,与外教进一步沟通,增强您的自信心和英语流利程度,最终达到用英语进行思维的佳结果。 COMPLEMENTARY CLASSES WITH FOREIGN TEACHER The aim of these is to build student confidence and fluency through additional communicative practice with the Foreign Teacher and students at similar level. |
中教补充课 艾思口语培训国内英语专业八级认证的中教组织的补充课,完全照顾到您的语言学习需要,词汇课、语法课、发音课等,让您不再担心句法结构,轻松应对各项考试。 COMPLEMENTARY CLASSES WITH CHINESE TEACHERS These classes are offered by our National TEM 8 certified Chinese teachers. They are professional to supplement your need on vocabulary, Grammar and pronunciation etc to help you deal with related English exams. |
外教主持的英语俱乐部和英语角 艾思口语培训英语俱乐部让您在充满乐趣和互动的主题活动中提升英语沟通技能。您可以参加各种范围的集体活动,所有活动只能用英语进行,让您如同置身于英语的国度。 由艾思外教口语培训外教主持的英语角是您提升英语的又以途径。在这里,您运用在艾思国际英语学习过程中掌握的知识将您的见解用英语表达出来。每晚广受欢迎的英语角让您每天都沉浸在真实的英语世界。 ENGLISH CLUBS AND ENGLISH CORNERS WITH FOREIGN TEACHERS English clubs offer a fun and interactive way for you to further improve your English communication skills. You have the opportunity to participate in a diverse range of group activities where only English is spoken. Another opportunity for you to improve your English is at our Foreign Teacher led English Corners. Here, you use the knowledge gained during your studies to express your ideas in a real English environment. All centers have daily English Corners which are always very popular. |
户外情景教学 语言的学习离不开实际运用,艾思外教每月组织1-2次户外情景教学能让您置身于英语交流的氛围中,学员可以通过真实的场景练习而自然脱口说英语,同时,有外教有主题的场景课程为您提供了很好的社交机会 Extra Curriculum Activities When you are learning English it is necessary to apply it in your daily life. Every month our foreign teachers will organize one or two extra curriculum activities. These activities allow you to stay in an English speaking environment. It encourages you to practice and use English spontaneously in a real scene. Meanwhile, this kind of courses with foreign teachers in a specific topic offer you a great chance to expend your social circles. |
小班课程 作为学员的主修课程之一,小班课是由老师带领多不超过八个学员上的一种互动性很强的课程,其主要的目的是让学生在课堂上充分练习口语, 帮助学生复习和巩固其在课件上所学的内容,并加以适当的扩展。 Small classes in which there are ten students at most. The purpose of a private class is to make students practice oral English in the class, help them form native English logic, and make students blurt out native English ,what’s more, extend the content as well.As one of the compulsory courses, this is an interactive class. 沙龙课 作为艾思口语的辅修课程之一是基于多个个沙龙主题的扩展课 ,主要通过更多的问答,讨论,辩论帮助学员练习口语,学会使用英语思维,提高其使用英文的社会交流能力。学员可以在课前领取相应的沙龙课预习资料,以便在课堂上可以更自如地使用口语。 As one of the elective courses, salon class is an extension class on the foundation of the salon topics . The class aims to improve students’ oral English through discution, help them to speak in English way, and improve their communication skills. Every student is able to get preview materials before the class, in order to speak more and speak more fluently in class and later, outside. 商务英语课程 商务英语课程Business English 您将掌握多样化的商务环境中流利使用英文进行会议、讨论和谈判等能力,以及商务信函的写作技巧,大量真实的案例分析,学的就是您要用的,绝不浪费您的宝贵时间 You will learn how to conduct meetings,discussions, and negotiate in English, as well as how to write business letters ,lots of case study,what you learn here is what you need, you don’t need to waste of your time. 求职面试课 帮助您在面试中更好的表达推销自己,在求职竞争中高人一等,提升自己的竞争力 You will learn to express yourself well, improving self-promotion and staying a step ahead of the competition. 移民面试课 迅速掌握与面试官交流的技能,给面试官留下良好印象,提升移民打分! This course is intended to help familiarize you with communicating with Interview Officers,leave a deep impression to the Interview Officers. 海外留学前浸泡式特训 实用的语言技能训练,帮助您尽快适应海外生活及求学环境. You will learn essential language skills particularly useful for integration into the local life when you are studying or living abroad. 超级美音美化课程 英语美化课程是艾思口语的主推课程,您将在短时间内攻克发音难点,迅速掌握纯正发音不再是梦想.两周的时间,我们给到您难以置信的标准美式发音。 Super American standard pronunciation course is one of the most excellent courses at ISE training centre. You will be able to overcome difficulties within a short period as well as mastering standard pronunciation in two weeks, you won’t believe it. 情景操练课 大量真实的情景对话及工作场景,让您掌握鲜活的纯正英语表达,拒绝中式英语,让您尽快融入英语社会环境的目标. This course will help you to improve your English through drills and exercises which will help you integrate into a new culture as fast as possible。 发音课 作为基础级(BASIC)学员的主修课程之一,艾思口语通过大量实用的句子进行发音练习,然后转入精美段文发音练习。您绝不会觉得枯燥无味,反而你会每秒钟都会有足够的激情操练英语。外籍教师会在课堂上对各种发音技巧进行解释,并让学员反复地练习发音,以确保学员可以在初级打下良好的发音基础。 As one of the compulsory courses for Basic students, the class aims to improve students’ pronunciation. Foreign teachers will explain to students in the class how to pronounce each sound, word and sentence correctly, make them practice again and again to make sure that each student could lay a strong foundation on the basic level. |
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