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雅思口语话题:Free Time

[2017-01-03 13:20:43] 浏览量:949 来源:


雅思口语Part 1主题:Free Time,今天小编第一次分享关于时间的话题,学霸们有的话聊了。
  雅思口语Part 1主题:Free Time
· What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Well, I do quite a lot of sport actually. I go swimming twice a week. There’s a very good pool just around the corner from my office. I swim for an hour and do about 40 lengths. I also cycle to work when I can. Apart from that, I do a lot of reading and photography.
· How much time do you have each week for doing these things?
When I was younger, I did a lot of surfing. I used to go snowboarding quite often too in the winter. But I haven’t been for a long time, although I might go this year with some friends. These days I go cycling when I can. At the weekends I like to cook and invite friends around for dinner. I’m a big fan of cooking programs, and often try to copy the recipes, but they don’t always turn out very well.
· How did you start doing this activity at first?
I have tennis lessons with a group of friends at the weekend. There are eight of us, four moms and dads and four kids. The idea was that the lessons would give us the chance to do something sporty with our children, and it’s great. The teacher is really good and we all have a fantastic time. Plus, we’re getting better at tennis. Best of all, after an hour of tennis, the kids go off to play, and we can have a drink and a chat. Now, that’s my idea of playing sport. Apart from that, I also go out bowling once a month.




