发表于:2017-01-05 15:14:36朗阁海外考试研究中心 徐晓青
工作类话题在雅思口语考试中始终占有一席之地,尤其是一些年纪稍大的G类考生始终对此感到困惑。相信考过雅思口语的考生亦或是正奋战在雅思考试道路上的未来考生们都清楚,“Do you work or are you a student?”是口语考试一开始的基本题之一,这道题的频率极高。而这道题的目的在于,将考生们准确地分类。如果回答是学生,则考官后续的问题则更偏向于学术化,如果回答是工作,则后续话题相当有可能会出现工作类话题。从实践教学反馈来看,雅思考生绝大多数是即将出国留学的学生,而有工作经历的相对占少数,所以工作类话题往往被相对忽视。而在这篇文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师将解析工作类话题的难点所在及应对策略,为工作类考生们指点迷津。
工作类话题的难点在于考生们对于工作类词汇相对欠缺,可能在描述工作内容时表达相对平庸,不会地道的表达。另外,一些考生从事的行业相对较偏,对于该行业的词汇积累较少。下面,举出一个真实的案例,一位考生就职于一家锂电池公司的产品研发部门,职位是项目经理。当考官问道“What is your job?”时,考生的回答是“My job is a project manager in a battery company.” 且不论该回答的语法情况,单从词汇角度分析,首先,考生在考试现场忘记锂电池的英文表达,仅仅翻译成了“电池”。另外,该句型的运用也是比较典型的中式思维。如改成“I work for a lithium battery company, and I am in charge of the R&D department. I’m a project manager.” 则出彩许多。
除词汇难关以外,对于工作的思考及评价也成为了一些考生的困惑。一些考生被问到“What is your ideal job?”, “What is the thing you love most in your job?” 或是“Is there anything you don’t like in your job?” 等问题时,许多考生反应,别说是英文,就是中文也很难一下子比较有逻辑的罗列一二。关于理想的工作,考生反应往往是“钱多事少离家近”,可是很难想出更好的口语。综上所述,这类话题的难点总体可归纳为词汇表达单一和内容局限。
Part 1基本题:
Are you a student or do you work?
What is your job?
Why do you choose this type of job?
Do you love your job at the moment?
Is there anything you dislike at your job?
Will you change your job if you were given the chance some day?
Part 2话题:
Describe an important job in your country(重要的工作)
Part 3考题:
Do you think some jobs are more important than others?
Do you think people who are doing unpleasant jobs should be paid more?
How do young people choose career these days?
Where do young people get advice about choosing a career?
Why do some say they cannot work in the same company for too long?
1. 关于“Where do young people get advice about choosing a career?”, 显而易见,无非是“parents”, “school”, 以及“social resources” etc.
The explanation for parents:
In China, it is a usual practice that parents always shoulder the responsibility to plan the careers for their children. They claim that they know their children well enough to decide what kind of job suits them. Some of the parents hope their children to do some high-pay jobs, which will set them in higher social status and economic benefits. Others even expect their children to take over the careers of their fathers. You know, family business is really common in China.
The explanation for school:
In the graduating period from university, there’s a large amount of senior students would face to hunt for a job in the following time. Almost in every Chinese university, senior students can seek help from the career guidance subject. Students would be trained to make a CV and practiced to perform perfect in the future interview.
The explanation for social resources:
Social resources, which refer to networks and media, are also an important approach in modern society. Nowadays, Internet is widely accepted among the young. People just need to type in some key words of career interest, and then millions of job positions will present the information. Besides, in these websites, there still many templates been provided to job hunters to make a perfect CV.
2. Why do some people say they cannot work in the same company for too long?
这道题是典型的Part 3个人观点题。考生需在较短的时间内,罗列出“跳槽”的理由,的确存在一些挑战。以下,我们分别来分析“终身职业”及“跳槽”各自的好处与坏处。
Always work in the same company
it is more possible to get a promotion
fully developed in the certain area
can earn respect from “late comers”
it is so boring to do the repeated work
people who always doing the same work will lose passion gradually
Change for different jobs
people can get higher pay and higher position from the right change
a wise change will lead to a new stage and new environment
frequent change would lead to a crisis of trust
job-hopping is risky
雅思口语工作类话题解析 原创内容,请点击北京雅思培训