培训首页> 托福培训头条> 托福考试独立写作的出题模式


发表时间:2015-07-09 46人浏览


1、 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? XXX

2、 Some people prefer to XXX, while others like to XXX. Which do you prefer?

其中,种常见,大约占80-90%,这种题目要么agree,要么disagree,没有中间状态,但是需要注意的是,不管是"完全不同意"还是"不完全同意"都是不同意。比如,问题说:Do you agree or disagree? If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time that their children spend on watching TV. 写的时候就可以完全不同意,因为Limiting children will only create problems instead of inviting better performances. 而如果问题是:Do you agree or disagree? Advice from our grandparents is no longer useful, for the world has changed so much over the past 50 years. 写的时候就可以说some of their advice may be no longer useful du阿e to the rapid social or technological changes, but they can still provide valuable suggestions in many ways since they have experienced many things that we are experiencing today. 这就叫不完全同意,也属于disagree的范畴。另外,如果问:Do you agree or disagree? A is more important than B. 也是可以写不同意的,接着证明A and B are equally important. 这种立意经常被同学们理解为"中立",其实还是属于disagree的范畴。

  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


