培训首页> 雅思培训头条> 雅思口语7.5分大牛备考经验


发表时间:2017-11-01 125人浏览


  a good vocabulary and content are important, but in my opinion, “presentation precedes content, fluency precedes vocabulary” for the speaking exam. adopt good presentation skills (eye-contact, pauses, speaking not too fast or slow). read up and visualize a few possible questions. make your answers exciting and passionate.


  fluency takes precedence over vocabulary, and if you feel you have forgotten the words, it is better to display a level of fluency with simple terms you know rather than struggle with numerous pauses while searching for the perfect word.

  ( 如果在口语考试的时候突然忘记了某一个单词某个词组,更好的解决办法是用一系列的简单词汇来描述它,来保持流利度,而不是一直纠结于这个忘记的词汇词组,以至于出现了很多不必要的停顿而扣分。)

  immediately before the exam – speak english:freshen up before the speaking exam (there is usually a gap between the writing and speaking exams).


  speak at a reasonable pace—not too fast or too slow. you can practice this by recording your normal speech and monitoring it, or foisting yourself on a good english speaking person and asking for his feedback.


  key advice – extend your answer appropriately

  for example:

  question: “how many languages do you speak?”

  answer: “two. chinese and english.”

  better would be:

  “i speak two languages. my first language is chinese and i can speak english as well. i’ve been learning english since i was 7. i started learning it when i was in primary school.”

  be aware, however, that very long answers are not always a good idea. it is possible that you will go off topic and lose coherence.


  correct yourself – if you can do it immediately

  if you make a mistake and you can correct it immediately, do so. this will show the examiner that you have control over the language.

  if, however, you are unsure how to correct yourself, move on! the examiner may not have noticed the mistake in the first place and if you try unsuccessfully to correct it, a small mistake may become a much bigger one.

  (如果意识到自己说错了,在自己能力范围内可以修改的话,就立即做修改。如果你能正确的修改,考官会觉得你有能力去驾驭英语。如果觉得自己可能没有办法做出很正确的修改的话,那就忽略这个小错误,继续说下去。因为很有可能考官都没有意识到你所犯的这个小错误,如果没有做出正确的修改, 一个很小的错误可能会因此变成一个很大的错误。)



