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发表时间:2018-04-10 86人浏览

autocracy 网络解释

1. 独裁:政治主义与专制(despotism),专政(dictatorship),独裁(autocracy)同义. 历,典型的例子是欧洲十七、十八世纪的君主制,尤其是路易十四(LouisⅩⅣ,1638―1715,1643―1715在位)统治下的法国,前者L'Etatc'estmoi[5]的名言简洁地表达了此种观念.

autocracy 双语例句

1. It's feudal autocracy versus people's democracy.

2. And we believe the masses are the real makers of history will never surrender to this kind of feudal autocracy.

3. We leading the anti-feudal, anti-imperialist democratic struggle, trying our best to crush feudal autocracy.

4. Autocracy in the Western Han Dynasty, the great thinkers such as Jia Yi, Dong Zhongshu, are opposed to tyranny and oppose the home of the world.

5. E. they are consistent autocracism supporters beyond history. Their differences lie in the ways of autocracy: should it be a benevolent, open and kind one, or should it be overbearing, wild, and evil?

6. Political reform is of shangyang completely abolished the old system, establish new ShiQing ShiLu centralized feudal autocracy.

7. Political measures Political reform is of shangyang completely abolished the old system, establish new ShiQing ShiLu centralized feudal autocracy.

8. The speech of Wei and Jin Dynasty Style as well as the relationship between the Article and the Medicine and Alcohol, which was given by Luxun in July, 1927, was an important article studied Wei and Jin Dynasty literature, and also an war proclamation sent armed forces to autocracy.
    鲁迅作于 192 7年 7月的《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》的学术讲演,既是一篇研讨魏晋文学的重要文论,也是一篇讨伐专制独裁的战斗檄文。

9. Jiang Yiwu, as the literature agencys president and the commander in chief of the revolutionary army in Hubei, his thought of objecting to the feudal autocracy, establishing democracy republic and armed struggle is connected with his firm revolutionary position and indomitable revolutionary practice.

10. It is the symbol of auspicious sign, love, autocracy imperil power and national culture.



