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发表时间:2018-04-10 65人浏览

autonomy 双语例句

1. Differences that have benn politically muted or controlled for a long time within a single nation may flare up and generate pressures for separatism or autonomy (e. g., Quebec in Canada, the Scots in the United Kingdom, the Albanian Kosovars in Serbia).

2. Autonomy programme, stable and reliable products include: KTV control panel, guided sing boxes, encryption receiving boxes, learning remote control.

3. Today, 80% of business is conducted on unstructured information
    Autonomy 的技术好像一套信息智能的操作系统,是每一个需要处理非结构化信息软件的基础平台。

4. To be speaking, the external environment or the system depends on the university autonomy, academic freedom, Jiaoshouzhijiao and internal conditions are principals, teachers, the quality of students.

5. Chapter 6 describe the project and tallage of office, the government's suppressing makeautonomy into difficulty, but shanghai esquire still request autonomy.

6. It isdivided three times: late QING and early MIN times (1905 to 1914) which has three phases ofthe general project office, the autonomy office, the townhouse; the project and tallage officetimes (1914 to 1923), shanghai autonomy is canceled in the times by law, and is in shadow; the city public office times (1923 to 1927) which shanghai autonomy was resumed, but it facesthe complicated polity conditions, its ability was oppressed and far from the center.

7. Villager autonomy, it is a great creation of Chinese farmer, it is the one great historic progress that democracy of socialism with Chinese feature builds.

8. When we have complete continuous sati it will become satipatthana (the four foundations of awareness: kayanupassana, vedananupassana, cittanupassana, dhammanupassana) and we will discover the state that is called absolute spontaneity, autonomy.

9. Vision-based navigation, which is the specific feature of autonomy, is one of the key techniques of ALV.


