the end of the nineteenth century and theearly years of the twentieth century were marked by the development of aninternational art nouveau style, characterized by sinuous lines, floral andvegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration.
the end of the nineteenthcentury and the early years of the twentieth century (前面填时间)were marked by the development of ******(这里填中心词), characterized by sinuous lines, floraland vegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration.(这里填特征名词,排比格式)
东莞托福培训,前面是原始的例子,后面是改编的写作模板,比如写作题目是,“marked by”比大家常用的“is”就好太多了,而“characterized by”比正常翻译的“the characteristic of a is b ”也要更简练。这样,写作书也不用了。
task 1: which offollowing aspects do you think contributes most to a country's success?1. many business opportunities;2. wellrounded medical care system;3. a developed educationalsystem.
那么首先需要注意积累的就是原汁原味的表达,我们搜索“businessopportunities for a countries success”,能看到forbes福布斯上一篇文章
during the run-up to every u.s. presidential election, countlessamericans threaten to move to canada if their preferred candidate does notemerge victorious. of course, few follow through with a move north. maybe it istime to reconsider.
canada ranks no. 1 in our annual look at the best countries forbusiness. while the u.s. is paralyzed by fears of a double-dip recession andeurope struggles with sovereign debt issues, canada’s economy has held upbetter than most. the $1.6 trillion economy is the ninth biggest in the worldand grew 3.1% last year. it is expected to expand 2.4% in 2011, according tothe royal bank of canada.
改写后:during the run-up to every u.s. presidential election, countlessamericans threaten to move to canada if their preferred candidate does notemerge victorious. canada ranks no. 1 in our annual look at the best countriesfor business. while the u.s. is paralyzed by fears of a double-dip recession and europestruggles with sovereign debt issues, (这里为了和题目呼应,可以把欧洲改成医疗福利强国呼应理由2,美国改成教育大国呼应理由3,就是即使美欧这样好,但是经济不行,还是会变弱,大家想离开,人民不满意)canada’s economy has held up better than most. the $1.6trillion economy is the ninth biggest in the world and grew 3.1% last year. itis expected to expand 2.4% in 2011, according to the royal bank of canada.
另外,相应的话题从哪里找材料,能翻墙用google,不能翻墙用yahoo,以写作为例,“some people like to study alone while other prefer to study in agroup. which one do you think is more effective? ”,这里题目意思是,一个人学,还是一群人学习。
我们利用yahoo,搜索“individual study,group study, pros and cons”关键词,可以找到这个http://home.nwciowa.edu/ttracy/studygroup.htm,这里就列举了优点缺点,已经很详细,不用多说了。就这样具体的素材和观点,还用得着任何写作书吗?
many people come to anunderstanding of a subject through dialog and question/answer.
studying in groups makes itpossible to drill and quiz one another.
in a group, a complex subjectcan be broken up and divided among members of a group. each one becomes a 'specialist' on someaspect of the subject, then shares his/her knowledge with the others.
greatest pitfall: all toooften, study groups become social gatherings, full of distraction rather thanstudy.
all members of the group mustbe highly motivated to study. otherwise,distractions will prevail. also,friction will develop among the members, some of whom will feel burdened byfreeloaders.
the group may promoteexcellence, or it may agree on mediocrity. if the latter occurs, the group will become destructive.
insummary, study groups tend to bring out the members' best as well as worststudy habits. it takes individual andcollective discipline to remain focused on the task at hand, to remaincommitted and helpful to one another, to insist that everyone shoulder his/herfair share, and to insist on excellence of achievement as the only acceptablestandard for continuing the study group.