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发表时间:2018-04-12 2273人浏览







  3.5 learning german

  learning german is inevitable for all chinese students in germany, because the german language is everywhere. it’s present in everyday life, study, and work. if you do not speak the language, you will be held back from communication, the enjoyment of experiencing german life and culture, and integration into german society.

  ming did not learn any german before he came to germany, so at first he did not speak any german at all. in his first year in germany, he took german language courses at the university, which took three hours each week. still ming’s german language competence was limited to very simple dialogue and he could not see any improvement, so he gave up these language courses and chose self-study. at first, he spent 20 minutes every day on german language learning, however,after a few weeks, his study became irregular. even now, ming has been in germany for four years and he is still a beginner when it comes to the german language. his colleagues often tell each other jokes in german, and everybody laughs,except ming.

  ming realized that he has missed out on a lot due to linguistic constraints. for example, sometimes there are workshops or symposia in germany that are conducted in german. in these contexts, most of people speak german while ming, just like an outsider, can only understand the main points but no details. mostof the time, he can only keep silent and look at his colleagues discussing important issues. this is actually torture for him.

  learning german is not easy, and it takes time. therefore, it would be best to learn german as early as possible. in germany, the language of instruction in german language courses is usually german, so starting to learn german from scratch can be so frustrating that many students give up mid-way. therefore, learning german before coming to germany would be helpful for a student’s further study of this language. if a student has some knowledge of german, the language shock would notbe that big when he or she arrives in germany and this basic knowledge could make it easier for him or her to adapt to the environment. moreover, some people say that the passion to learn german dramatically decreases after being in germany for a year or two, and thus it might be more difficult to restartlearning german after giving up mid-way.

  以上就是小编为大家介绍的“暑期宁波德语口语班 ”,有关德语的学习方法技巧就为大家介绍到这啦!



