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发表时间:2018-04-16 1107人浏览


  1. 租房2. 课外研究3. 图书馆4. 地理场景5. 选课场景6. 新生报到会

  7. 渡8. 日程活动介绍9. 个人健康10. 授课场景 1. 租房场景 这种题型,以前看人也介绍过,并且很详细,这里把他们总结在一起。

  首先辨别是租房还是房。for lease 与for sale 房子的类型有:flat, apartment, dormitory(dorm), student hotel, youth hostel一般房子有的家电或设施有:bedroom, kitchen, stove, fridge, microwave oven, washing machine, air-condition, electric fans, radiator, electric stoves 床上用品有 pillow, pillow case, bed linen, sheet, mattress, blanket, towel 房子位置:.road(rd.), street(st.), lane,门厅的叫法:hall, lobby, porch 租房的规律为:离市中心越近,房价越高,位置稍偏,价钱会比较有吸引力;但便宜的房子一般有不理想的地方: not near the center, not near the railway station, fall from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy, shared kitchen, insects, a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy, have to prepare some repellant ,insects haunting. 另外询问看房子时:is it available now? when will it be available?.(audiy.com) is there a telephone? how far is it from…….? is it furnished? what is the rental price? how is it cooled /heated? furnished:意为配备家具。

  2. 课外研究场景. 主要是在课外研究一些小的项目,小的调查研究,包括对学校里各个地方,食品(咖啡,小吃)等的价格的比较,这些看似不屑一顾的东西,个人认为,这也是与文化背景有关系的,外国人注重人的实践能力,从小培训,听说他们中学生就开始写长篇的文章,看<成长的烦恼>中那个小男孩本,研究毛毛虫,就可看出了:这部分主要注意听力,特别关注的是人名,并注意先判断男女。 有关咖啡的一些类型: instant coffee, real, espresso(功夫咖啡,蒸馏咖啡), cappuccino, brewed coffee, 另外一些关于吃的:fish and chips, value for money, greasy……………


  3. 图书馆场景. 据说这部分不是重点。主要注意的是时间,book名,作者, 一些单词:borrow, lend, renew, available, out on loan,newspaper, journal, periodical, current issues, reference books,category, catalog, date of expiry, be overdue, be due, pay fines, loan, period circulation desk, check out, reserve books, return in time, interlibrary service, can’t /mustn’t lend it to others. reserve books:指某一段时间比较,热门的书目,资料的租借时间缩短。如果很多同学想使用同一本参考书,图书馆就会reserve this book. 考点:作品名称,哪年出版,作者姓名,student card, library card,借出费用,几时到期,欠款多少等。

  1. 地理场景一般是司机,导游,bbc programme介绍某个地方,城市的基本情况。主要包括: u    名字,行政区划u    人口,语言风土人情u    好处,不利u    吸引人之处 distance from nearest city, population,advantage/disadvantage:注意转折词汇的运用:however, nevertheless, on the other handeducation, main industry:climate/weather: wet and windy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy.shape: rectangle

  2. 选课场景:涉及选课主要是对语言的选择:portuguese, italian, russian, arabic, mandarin, standard chinese, cantonese, spanish.选择:fundamental/elementaryintermediateadvanced选课的时间,日期。申请人:applicant, enrolmentadmission officeforeign student office, international student, oversea student

  3. 新生报到会: 新生报到会,一般向新生介绍学校的设施,选课情况,学校的历史,怎样注册,应该做什么,不应该做什么。一般由admission office 的counselor来向新生介绍。

  太原雅思6.5分培训:4. 度场景度地的选择,交通工具的选择,住处的选择(这部分与租房类似)付帐:check(美国)cheque(英)express way(高速公路), express train(高速列车)

  5. 日程活动介绍场景包括会议,节日,组织旅游等。主要抓四类:when, where, what, whyconvention(会议)开场白经常由会议的president或者organizer进行自我介绍,然后介绍会议内容,还要介绍会议的会期多长,经常考的考点---第几次要避免经典陷井,即听力原文出现的并不是所需要的。原:this is our third annual retailers’ conventionq:how many conventions have already been held?a: 2原:this is my second year on campus?q:how many years have you been studying at this college?a: one year 另外常考的是会议地点,一般是在的都。

  太原雅思6.5分培训: 9.个人健康场景headache, got a headache, avoid smoky,vitamins, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet,try to avoid sugar, salt, butternot too much milk lean meat, fish, nuts eggsneed lots of bread, vegetables and fruit.



