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发表时间:2018-04-16 1784人浏览


  more you concentrate more simple and easy it is. ielts is not tough as i thought before my exams it was a preparation of 15 days all cool and relaxed way.

  i just learned few things   

       初级雅思培训:reading:first have a look on all questions and then read paragraph simultaneously mark the lines which you found is related to question.makes easy and saves time.and i scored 7.5  listening:try out 20-30 tapes concentrate if u miss any where you will automatically loose rest of conversation thinking about what you left.when they give time to read tick the main in question and as conversation starts it is easy to point out.in this way i secured 9.00

  writing:short one is clear consider each and every point and mention in a related fashion to make understand quickly so that if a person reads he can draw same picture as it is.long essay it depends on your sentence formation and remember no spelling mistakes you will surely loose points and dont try to be too complex.if you get an essay where you have two opposite ideas like death penalty should be implemented or not then if you have points for both then mention both the side of the topic but conclusion should be what exactly you think about it.   well i dont think i am too perfect in this may be thats why i secured 7.00  speaking:it is really cool part of exam.you get more scared for this where you need not to because the interviewer makes you relaxed and then start.you need not give any logical answer, be yourself say your feelings and dont use too many quotes.


  question will be like your personal profile,your ambition, place you like most, your childhood,person you like most and why,etc.  and i secured 8.00

  i hope this will help you formost thing dont get scared be cool then ball is in your court you will not miss even single point.all the best for all you who is about to take ielts  bye


