answer all parts of the question。很多考生花费大量的精力在词汇句式的堆砌上。其实task response是四项评分标准中容易提高的一项,考官明确说明,如果你的文章没有回答全部问题,你的tr这一项的分数不会高于5。
a topic sentence for each paragraph。make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence!!!这一点相信所有的写作老师都强调过,但是还是有序多学员忽略了这一点的重要性。这个中心句要直接明了,不要太模糊,让考官读完就是到你这段要讲什么。一个中心句加三个展开论述句,这是考官给的结构建议。
use synonymous and paraphrase。高频词的同义词替换是写作词汇部分的重要技巧。不要重复用相同的词,同义词的使用会向考官展现你词汇运用的range。这里考官强调注意一下替换词的“性质”。想表达positive的词义就用positive的词去替换,反之用negative。学姐给大家举个例子,表示“影响”的词,effect多用作积极意思,而impair多用作消极层面的影响。替换influence 的时候要选对性质。如果你的词汇量没有那么大,那就学会掌握paraphrase的技巧,用一句话去解释你想说的词,顺便还能用个从句或者分词结构增加一下句子多样性。
雅思写作怎么写?广州雅思5分培训!一篇雅思写作中,重要的就是立论!对于雅思写作中的这种to what extent do you agree or disagree题型我们常常有3种立场。
1. agree同意
it is true that technology is developing at an incredible rate, and that traditional societies and cultural practices are disappearing as a result. i therefore agree with the view that technology and traditional cultures cannot coexist.
2. disagree反对
some people would argue that technological developments lead to the disappearance of traditional societies and cultural practices. i completely disagree with this view because i see no reason why technology cannot coexist with traditional cultures and even enhance them.
3. partly agree / balanced opinion部分同意/中庸立场
some people believe that technological developments lead to the disappearance of traditional cultures. while this may be true in the case of some societies or customs, others seem to be unaffected by technology and the modern world.