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发表时间:2018-04-17 4837人浏览




  例如:some people prefer to provide help or support directly for those in their local community who need it. others, however, prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20150606

  其二,受捐对象也是时常被讨论的范围之一。今年08月20日的考题:例如:some people think that charity organizations should help people in great need wherever they live, while others think that they should only concentrate on people in their own country. discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20160820

  好的雅思封闭班先来谈谈本文的审题. 本题的提问方式是discuss both views and give your own opinion, 因此在论证过程中双方面的论点都应该被展开论证. 并且在文章末尾需要清晰表达笔者个人观点. 因此, 本文采用为常见的四段法方式解题. 即, 段功能为开头点题. 随后, 两个主体段分别讨论两方面的论点. 最后的结尾段需要再次澄清笔者观点.


  there is no denying that aids from some charitable organizations are considerably functioning for people in poverty or emergent cases across all nations in contemporary society. the controversy, accordingly, emerges over the public that either people in the greatest need no matter where they live or people in the same countries as charitable organizations should be the prior recipients of donation.


  people who need aids most severely are usually living under unbelievably hazardous circumstance, where their lives are being threatened all the time or their basic demand for surviving cannot be satisfied. an instance in point is that citizens living in countries suffering from wars might face the problems of being killed anytime by whoever is armed or lack of clean drinking water. there is no one who is able to find out an excuse to say no to the help for them simply due to their different nationalities. every donator would be proud of using their donation to save people's lives in any corner of the world.


  charity institutions focusing on offering help to people in their own country would like to believe that providing help for donators' compatriots may easily arouse enthusiasm of people's participation in charity due to the immediate emotional connection between who are donating and who are receiving donation. nevertheless, what majority of donators concentrate on most is whether their donation can be utilized most effectively. naturally, they are more likely to pay for saving people's lives rather than enhancing people's living condition. with positive world view, everyone in this world should be treated equally regardless of their race or nationality.

  对应而言, 本段的篇幅和上一段相同. 内容上本段重点讨论另外一些人的看法, 即使信息点b. 本段采用的是”让步”的方式进行论证. 先表明一些人的观点, 再通过反驳这些观点来论证笔者的结论. 实际上, 本文的两个主体段落都只论证了一个论点. 在实际写作中, 考生可以根本不同的篇幅安排在一个段落中论证两个论点.

  in summary, unquestionably people in the greatest need deserve priority of aids from charitable organizations instead of those who come from the same country as donators do.

  由于前文写作篇幅已经基本符合了文章的字数要求, 故而本文的结尾段直截了当地使用了一句话进行总结全文. 略显单薄.

  纵观全文, 本文也只能算是基本符合评分标准的要求. 肯定还有很多可提高之处. 欢迎各位斧正, 我的联系方式是sina@颜王团雅思_杨亮, 共同学习, 共同提高.


  此类问题, 近些年在考场中三番五次的出现, 还有如下较为相关的考题供考生参考:

  some people believe that famous people's support for international aids organizations helps to draw attention to the important problems. others believe that celebrities make the problems less important. discuss both views and give your point.20150321

  some people believe that it is a moral obligation for countries to help each other, but others say that the economic aids cannot reach the people in need. discusses both views and give your own opinion.



