培训首页> 雅思培训头条> 寒假雅思封闭班|雅思写作 Task1 7分单词句型一览表

寒假雅思封闭班|雅思写作 Task1 7分单词句型一览表

发表时间:2018-04-17 1605人浏览

  寒假雅思封闭班|雅思写作 task1 7分单词句型一览表

  vocabulary for the introduction part:(各部分单词短语合成一句话):

  开始:the given / the supplied / the presented / the shown / the provided


  想要表达的形式:diagram / table / figure / illustration / graph / figure / chart / flow chart / picture/ presentation/ pie chart / bar graph/ line graph / table data/ data / information


  动词:shows / represents / depicts / illustrates / presents/ gives / provides / describes / compares/ shows / figures / gives data on / gives information on/ presents information about/ shows data about


  the comparison of ….

  the differences ….

  the number of ….

  information on ….

  data on ….

  the proportion of….

  the amount of ….

  information on....

  example :

  the provided diagram shows data on employment categories in energy producing sectors in europe starting from 1925 to 1985.

  the given pie charts represent the proportion of male and female employee in 6 broad categories, divided into manual and non-manual occupations.

  the chart gives information on expenditures of 4 european countries on six consumer products namely germany, italy, britain and france.

  vocabulary for the general trends part: (整体趋势)

  词组:in general, in common, as is presented, generally speaking, as is observed.


  in general the employment opportunity has increased till 1970 and has dropped down afterward.

  as is observed, the figures for imprisonment in the five mentioned countries show no overall pattern of increase or decrease rather shows the considerable fluctuation from country to country.

  generally speaking, usa had far more standard life than all the other 4 mentioned countries.

  vocabulary to show the changes:(变化)


  动词:rise / increase / go up / uplift / rocketed / climb / upsurge / soar.

  名词:a rise / an increase / an upward trend / a growth


  动词:fall / decrease / decline / plummet / plunge / drop / reduce

  名词:a fall / a decrease / a reduction / a downward trends /a downward tendency / a decline/ a drop


  动词:unchanged / level out / remain constant / remain steady / plateau / remain the same / remain stable / remain static

  名词:a steadiness/ a plateau / a stability/ a static


  an upward trend / an upward tendency / a ceiling trend


  a downward trend / a downward tendency / a descending trend


  the overall sale of the company has increased by 20% at the end of the year.

  the expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6 months but the profit rose by almost 25%.

  there was a 15% drop in the student enrollment of the university.

  the population of the country remained almost the same as it was 2 years ago.

  vocabulary to represent changes in graphs:(变化的程度)

  rapid change(大幅度的变化)

  副词:dramatically / rapidly / sharply / quickly / hurriedly / speedily / swiftly

  形容词:dramatic / rapid / sharp / quick / hurried / speedy / swift

  moderate change(变化幅度中等)

  副词:moderately / gradually / progressively / sequentially

  形容词:moderate / gradual / progressive / sequential

  slight change(缓慢的变化)

  副词:slightly / slowly / mildly / tediously

  形容词:slight / slow / mild / tedious


  the economic inflation of the country increased sharply by 20% in 2008.

  there was a sharp drop in the industrial production in the year 2009.

  the demand for new houses dramatically increased in 2002.

  vocabulary to represent frequent changes in graphs:(频繁的发生变化)

  rapid ups and downs(变化是忽上忽下)

  动词:wave / fluctuate / oscillate / vacillate / palpitate

  名词:waves / fluctuations / oscillations / vacillations / palpitations



