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发表时间:2018-04-18 4525人浏览


  1. 换词

  首先:first/ first of all/ firstly/ in the first place/ initially/ to begin with/ first and foremost/ for one thing/ to start with/ primarily

  其次:in the second place/ furthermore/ besides/ for another/ what’s more/ in addition to this

  最后:finally/ thirdly/ last but not least


  但是,避免连词过于机械(评分标准中6 分的描述),尽可能让连接更加自然(7 分的描述),我个人倾向于下面的一些方法。

  2. 小套句

  The first and foremost reason is that

  The main reason is that

  One reason for this is that …

  One argument to support this standpoint is that …

  Generally, it would also be proposed that …

  Another benefit is that

  A further reason why I prefer the argument is that

  An alternative theory would be

  Another point to consider is that

  The second reason for my propensity is that

  Another reason to support my standpoint is that

  Thirdly, there is equally strong case to be made that …

  Furthermore, another point to reinforce this theory is that …

  上面的句子有一个明显且共同的特点,就是:很长。所以你懂的,凑字数特别好。但是,即使不凑字数,偶尔拿过来,替换一下老套的 firstly 也是很实用的。

  3. 、比较级

  The most important factor is that

  The most contributing factor is that

  The most obvious reason is that

  The most compelling reason is that

  One of the most important reasons is that

  One of the primary causes is that

  The advantages of … are multiple but the most obvious one is that

  One of the major reasons for … is that

  A further and equally important consideration is that

  The most advantaged benefit is that


  4. 和主观点合并

  … many reasons, most important of which is that

  …, not least because

  …, which can be mainly attributed to

  …, as evidenced by …

  Many people support …, arguing that

  Proponents/ supporters of … may hold the view that …

  … for the reason that …

  …, which is mainly due to

  其他任何常规的因果解释的连词,如 as/ since 等,都是可以的。只不过,主论点和分论点都合并到了一起,字数就少了。孰是孰非,请自行斟酌吧。

  5. 个不写,后面承上启下

  When we look at the larger picture,

  Apart from the … concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be …

  In addition to … concerns, there are also

  Ethical reasons aside, there are also social reasons.

  In terms of the whole society, it also


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


