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福州晋安区雅思 ,如何提高雅思作文逻辑

发表时间:2018-04-20 3999人浏览

  福州晋安区雅思 ,生活在继续,工作在继续,每个人都在往前走,去学习,去沉淀自己,结识更多的人,做有意义的事,开阔思维和视野,我们都想人生过的精彩,并非是让你成为多么而伟大的人物,至少在我们每个人的领域,我们是不停的探索的,求知的,今天小编就带大家了解一下雅思小知识。


  Whybother to learn more about logic and arguments? Does it really matter anddoes it really help anyone? As a matter of fact, yes it does—and there areseveral good reasons to take the time to learn more about both topics.

  1.增强论点的有效性Improve the Validity of Your Arguments

  Themost immediate and obvious benefit from such a study is that it can allow youto improve the quality of the arguments you use. When you create logicallyunsound(不可靠的) arguments, you are much less likely to convince people that youhave a valid point to make, or get them to agree with you.Evenif they are unfamiliar with logic, many people will realize that there issomething wrong with some fallacious(谬误的) arguments without being able to identify the fallacy involved.建议考生拿到题目后分要点列大纲,避免出现不能自圆其说的情况,此外,多举例,避免中式作文的“大空”。

  2.多角度看问题View the Issue from Different Aspects福州晋安区雅思

  Asecond and closely related benefit will be an improved ability to evaluate thearguments of others. When you understand how arguments are supposed to beconstructed and also how they should not be constructed, you will find allsorts of bad arguments out there. Although you may not realize it immediately,there are arguments all around us vying for(争夺) our attention and acceptance. We heararguments that we should buy car A rather than car B. We hear arguments that weshould vote for politician Smith rather than for politician Jones. We heararguments that we should adopt this social policy rather than that socialpolicy. You have to be able to write down how you evaluate those arguments. Ifyou can demonstrate that an argument is sound and valid, not only do you havereason to accept it, but you can also defend this acceptance.建议考生多角度看问题,不管你从哪个角度入手分析,都尽量不要完全否定与你相反的观点,作文更像是在arguing and persuading。

  3.一举两得Improve Your Writing As Well As Your Speaking

  Afurther benefit will also hopefully be an ability to communicate more clearlyand effectively. Muddled(混乱的) writing tends to come from muddled thinking, and that in turntends to come from a poor understanding of what a person is trying to convey(表达) and why. But when you know how an argument should and should notbe presented, it will be easier to un-muddle those ideas and reform them into astronger pattern.It is important to remember that clear,logical writing is only something that will come with practice. The more youread and the more you write, the better you will get - this isn't a skill thatyou can acquire passively.写作逻辑性的提高也可以顺带为口语加分,口语考试时间虽短,逻辑性也是很重要的。

  4.熟能生巧Practice Makes Perfect

  Byreading and participating, you will have the opportunity to learn quite a lot. Skepticalinquiry about all topics requires an ability to use logic and argumentationeffectively. Not all of the writing is of the highest caliber(水准) in the beginning, ofcourse, and not all of the topics are easy to write. But over time, you willsee some very good argumentation on a wide variety of topics. Even some of thebest writers readily acknowledge that their efforts in practice have improvedtheir abilities to think and write on certain issues.

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