培训首页> 雅思培训头条> 石家庄IELTS新TOEFL暑期(封闭)班|口语技巧


发表时间:2018-04-24 4243人浏览

  石家庄ielts新toefl暑期(封闭)班?不得不承认我所轻视的雅思考试难度确实在逐年增加。相对托福来讲,雅思对lexical resources的要求更加高一些:包括了词汇量和词汇运动的精准程度。雅思口语主观性确实很强,但是记住你要拿不外乎三点: 1纯正的发音;2地道的表达;3严谨的论点,毕竟口语考试是有录音的,再强的主观性也无法明目张胆违背评分标准。拿下12可以稳住6.5-7分,拿下123,口语8+不是梦想。当然对于学生来说地道表达还是需要平时的积累,严谨的逻辑论点也需要训练。雅思口语一点我认为比较可控的便是话题,不像托福口语,在庞大的题库中预测机经,简直如大海捞针,事倍功半(再次强调托福口语机经的无意义性)----雅思口语基机经几乎是必中的。在当季话题范围内,对同类话题进行合并,开展一个属于自己的模板,注意用词和短语的契合度----特别是想拿口语的同学,对于一些native speaker的地道表达还是需要积累,这才能引起examiner的共鸣,情不自禁给你个。教大家一个实惠的方法:平时多看看美剧英剧记一些地道表达,并且要记住表达的场景应用。



  a. general deion

  所谓总体,就是整段录音给人的直观印象,是直觉,是并未用细则的评分标准来判断时的直接感受。ets在soring rubic中对于总体要求的描述还是集中在“内容”层面为主。

  首先,“with at most minor lapses in completeness”表明了内容完整性的重要。不要以为会流利地发音,表面上说得很流畅、没有停顿ibt就能过关。ets考察的是你用英语交流的能力,所以要说的让别人能听懂、能了解你的意思,那么意思的表达就要有有尾,尽量形成一个complete cycle。

  其次,"highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse"说的是表达过程中逻辑的演绎要有条理。在口语前两题的叙述中,我们的逻辑可遵循老美常用的总分结构,一语中的。而不要用我们东方人习惯的“弯弯绕”般的“暗喻”,希望老美能猜透你的深层“精神内涵”。否则必败无疑。

  b. delivery

  delivery部分主要关注语言本身。首先是对说话时语音、语调、语速的要求。“generally well-paced flow(fluid expression). speech is clear.”有些同学对这句话有误读。中国学生尤其会偏向于加快自己的语速,觉得速度越快就是越流利,就说明自己对语言的掌握越熟练。其实“fluid expression”讲的不是“快”,而是整体的“流畅”。这两个概念是有区别的。大家可以想一下中文的环境。如果一个人说得飞快,甚至在你还没理解前一句的情况下,他已经把第二句说完了,而且当中还夹杂着大舌之类的咬字不清,你会觉得舒服吗?相比之下,另一个人把一件事情娓娓道来(娓娓道来的意思不是慢),当中适当还有一些停顿来让你注意重点,你觉得他对语言的掌控相比前一个怎么样?所以,ets才会要求有"well-paced flow"使得speech能够clear。

  说到语音语调,很多人就觉得是音标的问题,有的人也怕自己的口音会影响太大。说口音完全没有关系是不可能的,老实说,肯定口音越纯正听起来越舒服,这点毋庸置疑。但口音问题远远不是全部,诸如新加坡口音、印度口音的故事太多,我们也不用在此赘述了。关键问题是,我们中国人说英文常常没有“重点”,所谓的重点就是“抑扬顿挫”。大家小时候背古诗的时候都知道,光背字面意思毫无感情地一遍遍是很难记住的,而在真正理解诗意的情况下,带有感情地朗读出来很容易就能记住,而这时候你注意一下自己的发音的话,很多“字”都是有重点的、有重音的。这是因为你在用自己的思想讲话,而不是用舌头讲话。ibt 的道理也是一样,所谓“把英文说得跟母语一样”就是用思想在讲话的境界。当然,我们可能做不到这一点。但有些技巧我们是能掌握的。

  技巧1: 重音。

  在一句话里总有你想强调的意思。举个老例子,大家读一下这句话“she always loves me.”试试看把重音每次强调在不同的单词上,读出区别来了吗?这就是重音的作用,即使是同一句话,因为重音的不同,所展示的背后的逻辑也就大相径庭。


  英文说得好的人为什么让别人听起来会不累?因为他们都是在用“意群”表达。这就是说他们主动把一句话的意思拆成一小段一小段有重点地说给你听,帮助你理解。所以你也会听得津津有味,甚至觉得他思路非常清晰。我们在说话时活用停顿是很有用的,短暂的停顿会帮助把句意切成有机的整体,说出节奏感,而且起到引起注意、强调的作用。比如“the response fulfills the demands of the task / with at most minor lapses in completeness.”我们读这句的时候,斜杠的部分要注意停顿而不能一口气以同样的速度读下去。

  随后,“it may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.”我们主要讨论"minor lapses"。


  那碰到这样的瞬间空白怎么办呢?可以用一些过渡词来填补,会显得很自然,其实老美自己在说话时也会出现这样的大脑延迟,但他们不会一言不发,而用well...”,”you know…”,”i mean…”之类的话来等脑子跟上。大家也可以尝试着练一下,熟悉这种方法以后就会觉得自己说话不会一停一停,而是很fluid。当然最后说一句,这个方法也不是的,用得太多的话也会招人厌,所以要自己掌握下度。






how is my performance assessed?


  examiners will evaluate your performance according to 4 criteria namely fluency and coherence (fc), lexical resource (lr), grammatical range and accuracy (gra) and pronunciation (p).


  what is the most important criterion in the speaking test? is it grammar?


  no. the 4 criteria are weighted equally at 25% each. the examiners will give a result for each criterion and then work out the average of the 4 scores which equates to an overall speaking score. if you get 6 for fc, 5 for lr, 5 for gra and 6 for p, then you will receive 5.5 overall for speaking,


  will i lose points if the examiner disagrees with my opinion?


  no. you are judged on your english, not your opinions. there is no right or wrong opinion.


  how is my performance assessed?


  yes. as long as you keep talking and use a wide range of english, you can get a high score as this is not an iq test. boring or obvious opinions are fine if you can produce a wide and accurate range of language when expressing them.


  i have a north american accent, is that ok?


  yes. american english is not penalised in any part of the test whether it be pronunciation or spelling.


  how is my performance assessed?


  no. you will receive your ielts result within 2 weeks but not on the day.


  what happens if i disagree with the result i was given?


  you may ask the ielts test centre to arrange another ielts examiner to reevaluate your speaking. this is possible as all interviews are recorded. you may incur an extra expense depending on whether your score changes or not.


  how is my performance assessed?


  in your home country is often thought to be the best place to do the speaking test. however, do keep in mind that all examiners receive exactly the same training around the world which is moderated by a central body. the only justification for why it may be better to do the test in your home country is that you may score higher in pronunciation as it is seen as more subjective; examiners in your home country will be used to the chinese accent whereas those in england may not.


  is there anything i can do if 1 don't understand a question?


  yes. if you don't understand you may ask the examiner to repeat the question at any time during the interview. however, if after repeating you still don't understand, only in part 3 may you ask the examiner to explain or rephrase a question. in part 1 the examiner will simply move on to the next question.

  若你不明白间题,可以请口试官再叙述一次。但如果口试官重复后,你还是不理解,只有在part 3时你才可以请口试官换个说法让你明白问题;在口试的part 1,口试官会略过该问题而直接进行下一个提问。

  what happens if i misunderstand the question?


  you may lose some points under fluency and coherenceas the examiner may have difficulty following your answer. in part 3 the examiner may rephrase or explain the question again to give you a second opportunity. this will not happen in part 1 though, the examiner will move on to the next question.

  你可能会在流畅性及连贯性这部分被扣分。在part 3,口试官有可能会再重述或解释该题,给你第二次机会回答;但是在part 1时,口试官会直接问你下一个问题。

  what should i do if i can't think of the right vocabulary?


  keep talking by paraphrasing (explaining the meaning of the word). it's better to say something than nothing. if you simply pause and hope that somehow the word miraculously pops into your head, the examiner will be unable to assess you. in other words, long silences are penalised in each criterion as you are producing no vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation features and showing no fluency.


  how is my performance assessed?


  preferably not. although there is no way of knowing if you are telling the truth or not, it's ok to be honest and more importantly you will sound much more natural and fluent if you are. just remember to use good english. if the examiner asks you if you like your hometown, you don't need to pretend that you do if you don't. it's quite fine to say you hate it as long as you do so using appropriate english. similarly if the examiner asks you if you have ever had a pet, but you never have, then say so and give a reason why you haven't.





