SVA 插画课程
- We teach how to communicate graphically
- Successful illustrators are able to interpret and illuminate ideas
- Put your own personal stamp on visual solutions
We not only inspire and encourage a student’s imagination, but also teach the art of interpretation: the ability to carefully read and cross-reference texts, research visual styles, and conceptualize and produce significant bodies of work. With our junior thesis and senior portfolio curriculum, our students develop sophisticated and complete oeuvres, unlike the “patch-work portfolios” produced by many other art schools, which consist of students’ scattered responses to a variety of assignments, and don’t especially reveal their true personalities.
Survey of World Art
Foundations of Visual Computing
Writing and Literature
Principles of Illustration
History of Illustration
Hand Lettering
Drawing with Ink for Illustrators
Watercolor Techniques
The Gouache Experience
Pastel Techniques
Figurative Sculpture
Acrylic Painting
Etching and Monoprint as Illustration
Western Civilization I and II
Illustration Portfolio
Advanced Cartooning and Illustration Electives
Drawing on Location
Advanced Life Drawing: Figure, Form and Function
Life Painting
Narrative Painting
Classical Realist Life Painting Techniques
Classical Portrait Painting in Oil
Painting From Inside/Out
From Fantasy to Reality: Production/Concept Design
Designing Tattoos and Other Emblems
Animals and Creatures in Illustration
Illustration: The Genre of Science Fiction
Children’ s Book Illustration
Pop-Up: 3D Paper Engineering
Experiments in Narrative
Type and Image
Culture and Cartooning
Alternatives to the Cinematic in Comics Narrative
Writing for the Comics
How to Storyboard a Movie
Life Underground/Self-Publishing
Comic-Book Storytelling Workshop
Short-Form Comics
Star Wars to Shrek: The Art of Writing Comics Based on Licensed Properties From Other Media
Character Design
Design and Build Comics
Advanced Digital Coloring and Rendering
Printmaking: Silkscreen and the Graphic Image
- 插画设计
- 漫画专业
- 人物设定
- 以美国/英国知名培训中心课程教学大纲为基础
- 以欧美风格为主,更符合欧美院校招生方向
- 让作品集完成度更高,整体水平更加出众,更有竞争力
- 课程中完成的项目可应用在作品集中
- 学会如何通过自己的作品与读者交流
- 通过课程过程中大量调研内容,可掌握自我学习进步的能力
- 掌握多种绘画媒介的使用方法
- 掌握基本的软件使用知识
- 体验国内外上课模式与项目创作的过程
北美插画 简史介绍 | 课程介绍。 简单介绍插画的发展历史 | 1 |
北美插画 风格探索 | 探索北美的插画风格,分析日韩,欧美的插画风格的不同 同时探索如何采众家之所长培养确定自己的风格。 | 2 |
课题确定 及调研 | 创作三/多幅有故事的作品。由抽签决定作品的内容。 抽取三个签,个是形容词或者定语,第二个是主语,第三个是 行为比如有可能抽到:“太空里的”“快递员”“战斗”这类的题 目。要抓住三个词的特点,且有个人风格。 | 3 |
人物设定 A | 就之前确定的人物信息进行创意创作。分三步骤进行草稿绘制: 要求有人物初稿,挑选后在进一步加入细节, 最后再确定终稿的形象。 | 4 |
人物设定 B | 继续上节课的内容并在这节课内完成。 | 5 |
环境设定 A | 就之前确定的环境信息进行创意创作。 要求内容丰富,符合并且配合人物设定。 | 6 |
环境设定 B | 继续上节课的内容并在这节课内完成。 | 7 |
平面作品的立体延伸A | 就创作完成平面作品,进行3D的创作尝试,通过粘土,软陶等等材料进行创作。 (并不限制创作方式,目的是将创作的形象/图案应用在平面之外的物品上) | 8 |
平面作品的立体延伸B | 继续上节课的内容并在这节课内完成。 | 9 |
作品展示 | 之前的创作的作品的综合展示 有成熟的展示,要求采用好的展示方式。 内容需要展示灵感来源,调研资料,和最终成品。 | 10 |
以上就是艺术类留学培训课程的全部内容介绍,如需了解更多的艺术类留学培训班、课程、价格、试听等信息,也可以点击进入 艺术类留学 相关频道,定制专属课程,开始您的学习之旅。